Kaustic Plastik - William - Scottish Highlander - 1300 AD

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You should know that I released (actually not even released yet) a new improved headsculpt just to give something to persons that was waiting ML head.
I announced mine just AFTER the ML cancellation of their head.
Once again because my fans and friend was asking for!!
This is the only pattern you can find in my releases: I listen people feedbacks and I try to make everyone happy.
Your posts are the prove that mine is an impossible task :(

Maybe it is frustrating that exactly what you want doesn't come along exactly when you want it, but that is life. I am glad Fabio stepped up to the plate when the ML Conan head was cancelled. He didn't have to do that. He was helping out people like me. I ordered the head for $29.95. Seriously, how much could he be making off that? I expect pretty much the same from this sculpt.
Man there's some historical/film figures I'd love to see Fabio have a crack at. How about The Last Samurai? Would love to see what KP could do with samurai armour.
EDIT: why are some posts deleted from this thread (the one from jk_blue_tiger)

Because he was told before to keep things civil. IMO he chose not to.

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Man there's some historical/film figures I'd love to see Fabio have a crack at. How about The Last Samurai? Would love to see what KP could do with samurai armour.
THIS. While Tom Cruise's gone a little crazy for my tastes, I think a Last Samurai figure would probably win me over.
Fabio! As much as I would like to see you branch into Vikings and Samurai, I really want MORE ROMANS! I am sure that there are many more Romans that can be made and that would be awesome. What is your next Roman?
I agree . PLEASE CONTINUE TO MAKE MORE ROMAN ARMY FIGURES . Also I completely agree with the way your company offers options for expansion at a very reasonable price . Keep doing what your doing . its very much appreciated.
Fabio , I love the Roman and gladiator shields . The detail on them is amazing but can you please make the handles curved out so the left hands can hold them . I can't find a hand that properly holds the shields because the handles are perfectly flush. I know your probably going for authenticity but I want to be able to do cool action poses with my figures and need better shield handle access .
Yeah, or any of the samurai from that film for that matter. I'd happily take a Ken Watanabe figure.

Agree, would be really cool to buy a Katsumoto black and golden metal samurai armor!

And now i see we are on wishlist mode, what about a Gladiator's Commodus? would buy for sure a regular and tongue out headsculpt, no joking at all.
Agree, would be really cool to buy a Katsumoto black and golden metal samurai armor!

And now i see we are on wishlist mode, what about a Gladiator's Commodus? would buy for sure a regular and tongue out headsculpt, no joking at all.

Hell yes, I'd love a Commodus, preferably in his white armour from the final arena battle.
Agree, would be really cool to buy a Katsumoto black and golden metal samurai armor!

And now i see we are on wishlist mode, what about a Gladiator's Commodus? would buy for sure a regular and tongue out headsculpt, no joking at all.

Allow me to respectfully object. I think the Romans should be 100% authentic and historical rather than based on movie characters. I think that Commodus from gladiator was far from historically accurate.
I want a Commodus. That design and character was awesome. I love historical figures, but not all figures have to be. Commodus would be a great addition to my collection. Please Fabio, give us a Commodus figure.
Allow me to respectfully object. I think the Romans should be 100% authentic and historical rather than based on movie characters. I think that Commodus from gladiator was far from historically accurate.

For me its not really important all figures are historically accurate, if it would i wouldn't buy nearly any figure based on movies. I already have like 3 versions of Maximus and a lot of people are buying those figures and i doubt it was really historically accurate. In fact i tried googling about how real Gladiator characters were and i found this link where i understand even Commodus was more historical accurate than Maximus itself, did not know it (im not an expert in history at all):
Gladiator: The Real Story

I agree sometimes an historical figure is good, but im not tight to only buy those ones. Of course i really love my Kaustic Plastik Legionary even not been from a movie.

For me having a Commodus figure with blackish armor and purple tunic close to Maximus would be awesome. If im not wrong the chest of that armor is similar, if not the same, to the final white version armor, so could be reused for both. And for me it looks also quite similar to Kaustic Plastik Marcus Nonius chest armor, except the low part, so easier for Fabio to make it if he decides to, he already did half of that work at least on chestplate :D
Allow me to respectfully object. I think the Romans should be 100% authentic and historical rather than based on movie characters. I think that Commodus from gladiator was far from historically accurate.

Maybe we can make a figure with both parts! Historical and Hollywood! So everyone can choose how to display it!!! :)
I love KP stuff but they can't compete with ACI. Nor should they have to. ACI releases 5 products to KP's one. But KP can only produce so many Romans.

I think KP should let ACI produce TV Vikings that have little historical accuracy and make some "enemies of Rome."

Give us a Gaul or a Celt that is well researched and it will sell.
Sorry Fabio! I didn't mean to turn this into a wishlist thread when I inquired about vikings! [emoji38]

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