Kenner Boba Fett or Hasbro's

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sunohc said:
the original trilogy one does seem best.
but dang...
both the stormtrooper and him run for $40!!!
Just wait for Sideshow to do them unless you are going to create a custom.

Someone should post pics of the Kenner and the Hasbro Boba for those of us who have never seen either... :D
captain sack said:
actually it was the kenner version that talked...and since hasbro owned kenner, they were both hasbro. :)

from michael crawford's site...


with a little work, the figure on the right can look very nice.

He posted them here ^

like you said, I bet boba fett is down the line for sideshow anyways
It'll run around $60 i bet
yeah, the other one looks akward with the long neck and the hands

too bad it'll run for at least $25-30 more... >.>
sunohc said:
yeah, the other one looks akward with the long neck and the hands

too bad it'll run for at least $25-30 more... >.>

here is a hasbro boba fett for $25. that's below retail. jump on it!:chew

here is one for $13....

except for plo koon, all hasbro figures can be had cheaply.

here is the talking version for $7....
sunohc said:
I've seen two version of boba fett for the 12" line

the one by hasbro which can talk and the other one by kenner.
which one's better?
I can't tell from looking at just pictures on eBay auctions

The best one has to be the recent 12" Vintage Trilogy version. And it came in two different versions which was sort of cool.

There were also two different versions that had voice chips in them. The original had a head that was way too small, the 2nd version with the chip had the more correct looking head.
Bonehead15 said:
I'm more upset with putting Christensen in at the end of ROTJ. To me this change makes no sense. If Lucas felt the need to replace Shaw why didn't he replace Alec Guinness with McGregor? :confused:

Amen to that! One of the most idiotic changes to date.
Darth Kustomizer said:
Amen to that! One of the most idiotic changes to date.
This change was one of the best things to ever happen to ROTJ. Sebastian Shaw had no connection with the audience, seeing him beaming with joy at the end never had the emotional impact as seeing the guy who betrayed the Jedi and battled his best friend redeemed.

The ROTJ novelization released in 1983 indicated that Anakin was ashamed of his scarred appearance when Luke saw him and wished that he could appear to his son as the young man he used to be. So the alteration wasn't even something George just threw in on a whim. It makes sense artistically and emotionally and gives the ending of ROTJ an awesome dramatic punch.
I think replacing Boba's voice is a much bigger deal than switching in Hayden. At least that choice made sense.
JustinLuck said:
I think replacing Boba's voice is a much bigger deal than switching in Hayden. At least that choice made sense.

How so?:confused: :confused:

When Obi-Wan dies, his "ghost" looks the same age as when he died. Yoda's ghost also looks the same as when he dies, although I'll admit Yoda ages A LOT better than Ben.:lol Why would it make sense to make Annakin's ghost appear as his younger self?? It's been clearly established in ESB, by Obi-Wan's appearance, that when a Jedi dies that his "ghost" looks the same as when he perished. IMO this change actually contradicts continuity which goes against the whole reasoning behind Lucas' changing on the OT.
Just to be picky, Captain Antilles in ANH is the son of Captain Antilles in ROTS.

ROTS=Reymus Antilles ANH=Colton Antilles.

ANH Antilles is my favorite character, AWESOME costume.

ROTS Antilles is a meh boring character for me.

OK, back to your regularly scheduled program
Bonehead15 said:

I think Anakin chose to return to how he appeared when he was last "in the light." I choose to think this. I have no proof. It just makes sense to me.
I mean, if he appeared as he was when he died, he'd look pretty funky, what with all the armor and robotic parts missing.

The old guy might be a disconnect for people watching for the first time. And I tell ya, when young Anakin appeared, my wife started bawling. i mean, the last time she saw that face, he looked so unhappy. He was the devil. And at the end of ROTJ, there he is, at peace. It's emotionally strong.

I'll tell you truly, I had no clue who the third guy was when I was a kid. I thought it was supposed to be Uncle Own or something....
I did figure it out as I got older, but as a child, it made no sense to me.
Bonehead15 said:
How so?:confused: :confused:

When Obi-Wan dies, his "ghost" looks the same age as when he died. Yoda's ghost also looks the same as when he dies, although I'll admit Yoda ages A LOT better than Ben.:lol Why would it make sense to make Annakin's ghost appear as his younger self?? It's been clearly established in ESB, by Obi-Wan's appearance, that when a Jedi dies that his "ghost" looks the same as when he perished. IMO this change actually contradicts continuity which goes against the whole reasoning behind Lucas' changing on the OT.
Following your logic then, what we really should have seen was Anakins disembodied head floating around Ben and Yoda because thats basically what he was when he died. :rolleyes:

I believe the force ghosts are projections of how the dead jedi saw himself. When Anakin died I think he saw himself as the Jedi he was.
Back on topic,

I purchased the OTC Boba Fett and I'm well pleased with him. Straight out of the packaging with a biot of straightening out here and there he's a really good figure (if limited in poseability).

What made all the difference for me though was sticking him on the SSC Sideshow stand from my spare Jedi Luke. He looks awesome next top the rest of the collection.

I'll try and post some pics tonight.

BTW - The change to Hayden was rubbish! It's an insult to Sebastian Shaw. All that rubbish about 'your spirit doesn't age on the dark side' what a load of old tosh. You are still using the force whilst you are on the dark side. I think that Uncle George just changes things for changing sake.

I'm happy with the vocal changes though!
Bonehead15 said:
What I'd really like to know is why all the Stormtroopers have such bad aim if they're all clones of Jango? :confused: :D

Also, how did Luke get away with impersonating a Stormtrooper in Ep 4? :confused: As soon as any Imperial personel saw how short he was, they would of known that he wasn't a real Stormtrooper.


I think by the time of ANH stormtroopers were a mix of clones and recruits. But yeah he was a little short to be a stormtrooper.
abstractharmony said:
Back on topic...
The change to Hayden was rubbish! It's an insult to Sebastian Shaw. All that rubbish about 'your spirit doesn't age on the dark side' what a load of old tosh. You are still using the force whilst you are on the dark side. I think that Uncle George just changes things for changing sake.

I'm happy with the vocal changes though!

It's hardly an insult. Shaw barely knew what movie he was in! I read an interview with McDiarmid, where he ran into Shaw on the lot, asked him why he was there, and Shaw repsonded with, "I don't know, dear boy, I think it's something to do with science fiction." So, I think Shaw is hardly turning over in his grave. If I was as prolific an actor as Shaw, and I had a choice, it's not the performance I'ds most want to be remembered for anyway. He didn't really do that much. Just be glad GL didn't loop Haydn's voice into the unmasking scene!

BOT- I like the Classic Fett figure that came out a couple of years ago. Best one EXCEPT for that damned scope on his head which will not sit straight. I'm busy altering a Jango helmet to be Boba.
Those who like the voice change probably didn't grow up watching the original as kids. If GL had studied psychobiology, he would understand that your voice is not solely determined by genetics.