Kier really seems to speak to a lot of people. She's not only a striking figure, but appears to be the one truly "tragic" member (unless I'm mistaken) of the Court. Born of heaven, but unfairly cast out. Restored by Death himself as a possible protégé and replacement for the scheming queen. But at the same time tormented by her exile and the fact that she still doesn't really "fit in" with most of the other denizens of hell. Even her appointed task is somewhat sympathetic; giving purpose to other abandoned warriors who died in battle.
Why is she bloody though? Is it the blood of already dead men on the battlefield as she kneels over them to draw their spirit into her blade? Or is it blood of supernatural enemies also seeking to claim the fallen men? I must know!
Why is she bloody though? Is it the blood of already dead men on the battlefield as she kneels over them to draw their spirit into her blade? Or is it blood of supernatural enemies also seeking to claim the fallen men? I must know!