The severed wings are an AWESOME touch. Can't wait for this beauty!!!
Assembly instructions!!
I'm really psyched about her![]()
Well, for me, I was super excited at first. A big portion of my collection is fantasy-themed, especially Conan stuff, and this line easily blends in. These can work as companion pieces and villains in that kind of display, I was on board for many of them when they were revealed.
Not the Queen (a bit too "standard dark lady" for my tastes) or Red Death (not exactly fitting), but Kier, Cleopsis, Xiall, Mortighull, Oglavaeil, Shieve, lots of them would have been sure purchases for me.
Then, first, the super long waiting times diluted my interest, and now the prices are making it easy to pass on this stuff. I just refuse to spend 600$ on a standard sized PF (Xiall), as nice as it looks, or on a bigger statue that's really half of a statue with an undefined lower body covered in fabric (Oglavaeil). Siren had an amazing value for money overall and that's surely a winner, but not one I'm interested into right now. I don't want to wait out for Cleopsis hoping it's reasonably priced, so Kier is pretty much the only one left that meets all my requirements in terms of art direction, details and pricing. Might sound silly but that last detail of the wings on her back really spiked my interest back in this piece.
Still thinking about how to display her, I might square her off against che new Conan PF, using the undead skeleton soldier of the Conan PF displayed on the side of Kier's base, like she was commanding the thing to get into Conan's path. Would work out quite good I guess since she's in a more relaxed stance, mh.
As for the future... it really depends on prices and what they're putting out. Some designs are good (like that Jester or one of the weird undead horses we've seen some time ago), some other designs look really bland to me, like the necromancer chick, the assassin with many arms and the new mortal girl, Shard I think... those look more like the standard fantasy art I saw 15 years ago when I played D&D.
I have the Queen and am getting Kier. Other than those two, I'm putting this line on hold. The statues don't sell out and release dates are delayed and delayed and delayed. Plus, the prices are getting ridiculous for characters that I don't have any real attachment to at all. I'll check out future releases when they ship and see if the price is something I want to pay. It's too bad Sideshow has jacked up this line with delays and price increases because I was really excited for it when they launched it.
I have Queen, picking up Siren tomorrow, and have Kier and Oglavaeil on order. I'll probably end up ordering Xiall and Shard and will definitely get Cleopsis when she is released. Everything else I'll play by ear. But IMO I really love the line and as Mule said, they go well with Conan/Sonja and I'll add the Hellboy fantasy worlds.
awesome thank you for the were you on board for the original reaper general? I do love that piece and I am torn on the new version...for a few reasons. I don't like supporting the idea of going back to something that was so rare. If I owned one of the original 300 pieces or 500 whatever it would bother me even though it doesn't have the same exact base or helmet....I still think leave it alone sideshow...let that stand as is. If anything give us (as they are a new version of him) past that it's been interesting for me...I love horror and like this style of stuff...I'd even in my mind gone "ok NO super hero stuff for my collection from here on out"...then Prime 1 starts working their magic on that batman line and just about everything else they touch...and I am thinking...."hmm...$800 for Oglavaeil (with Skratch and sales tax and shipping etc.) or drop $200 more on one of those killer Prime 1 pieces??"....Prime 1 right now is winning in a way. I find myself going back to look at those pieces again and again. I am not sure if it's because they are new...and like people said...we got the tease for COTD, and we got the fever on these...almost 2 years back....where are they?
Oglavaeil is really cool...BUT....I think for he and's $200 too much...that's my opinion as a customer...I'd not think twice about $600 out the door for that piece (the WHOLE piece) but $ be's an easy pass. I'd rather put that and say a few hundred more for something EPIC. And He is epic...just not near $800 epic. I like his head, the body sculpt is cool but the paint application on him is not that dynamic. The black skin could look maybe he's wet and shiny with cool alien like tone and subtle dark color flowing over the skin.....really subtle but just something where he looks more than like someone took and airbrush and did two quick coats of spray.
If they are going to charge above $600... I am going to start getting really picky about what they look like. There's still some great pieces on I am pulling for them to knock it out of the park...and possibly rework their prices...if not I can wait..or get something else which is a shame because these got me really excited about what sideshow was going for with a creator owned horror line.
They have the we just need them to be realistic about pricing and ultimately what we are getting.