UPS came today and made me a happy man
Attached are in hand pictures and she is simply stunning. The detail work in the sword guard and the armour is really good. The color of the bone and the detail is just brilliant which is why I'll be displaying her with her mask. Paint lines are clean and quality control seems good on the one I got.
I know there was some concern on the hair line for the unmasked sculpt and it's not near as pronounced as other photos I've seen - I would say it's very good (but not 100% perfect).
As you can see there is a slight chip above her right eye in the eyeliner (the left eye looks like it may have one too but it was just a piece of styrofoam) but seeing as how it's just pure black paint it can be easily fixed.
The sword is really impressive, is metal and it has great weight to it - it feels real.
As for the left arm staying in, mine was snug with no problems. With that said, I put some poster putty on the peg base just to be sure it doesn't come out over time. Hopefully it will be enough.
I think I'm hooked on this line . . .
(Oh, and sorry about all the distracting figures in the background, wasn't thinking

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