How heavy is the efx one?
I like that it is a comic shield, actually. Looks pretty damn nice. Not keeping mine, but I like it.
The efx one is about 10-12 lbs, the KA one comes in at around 18-20 lbs.
Rough estimates, but there is a difference.
How heavy is the efx one?
I like that it is a comic shield, actually. Looks pretty damn nice. Not keeping mine, but I like it.
That seals it for me then. I have wanted a metal shield and don't care if it's more idealized than movie accurate. Something about a fiberglass shield doesn't appeal to me. I want to pick it up and feel like ok holding Cap's vibrandium shield.
This is why I am keeping my KA preorder... I will never get one cheaper than BBTS had them for, and worst case
I can flip it after I get it for at least another $100 or so in profit.
If I get it in-hand and love it more than the efx one... well... I guess I will sell that one instead, lol.
I was considering that, but I am worried about shipping costs making it impossible to recoup cost, let alone make a profit. 20lbs shield, probably a 5lb+ stand... could be 35-40 lbs box.
That seals it for me then. I have wanted a metal shield and don't care if it's more idealized than movie accurate. Something about a fiberglass shield doesn't appeal to me. I want to pick it up and feel like ok holding Cap's vibrandium shield.
I am so salivating over these pics
I have the EFX fiberglass shield. But I really want a metal vibranium shield as well.
How does the EFX look in hand? I've seen alot of photos which look nice but they lack the metallic look that I desire. I understand that the KA isn't exactly taken from the molds in the film(s) but I would be much happier with an idealized actual metal version over a fiberglass exact copy, if that makes sense.
How does the EFX look in hand? I've seen alot of photos which look nice but they lack the metallic look that I desire. I understand that the KA isn't exactly taken from the molds in the film(s) but I would be much happier with an idealized actual metal version over a fiberglass exact copy, if that makes sense.
After getting the efx one yesterday, I can tell you 100% Matches, that it is not that metallic.
It has a very flat or satin finish to the paint job. When you pick it up, it has the feel of a wood block.
I cannot find a better word to describe it, but it has a very odd feel to it. I wanted to love this one so I could
cancel my KA one and just display the efx version, but in all honesty, I just am not feeling it.
The detail in the star on mine is severely lacking, badly covered up with the silver paint.
I hate that so much, as the detail in the star is crucial for the movie shield.
I will hold onto my KA preorder from BBTS, and hope it looks good in person.
Unfortunately, it is not close to feeling metal. It honestly has a wood block feel to it.
The satin finish does not help that, either.
While I am not thrilled with the back of the King Arts one, based on the pics and review,
The front is what matters most to me. And in this case, the pics of the KA shield
make the front look 100x better than the efx one. The star detail is absolutely perfect.
The black lines are not accurate, but they shore up the color breaks so much better than
nothing at all.
That's disappointing.
I suppose for those who want a completely "screen accurate stunt version" then the EFX is perfect. I however prefer the sheen of a metallic shield akin to what I imagine in the comics or how it would look in real life. The way the light reflects off the metal and how it feels in hand are big factors for me.
You going to keep your EFX version ?
I have both EFX and KA on pre order with BBTS but I will probably only keep KA.
I am going to repost this from the EFX thread as the misinformation is driving me nuts:
I really don't understand how folks are willing to pay $500, $600, $1000 for a shield and not truly know what they are getting (or want). The EFX is not simply "the stunt shield". While born from the stunt shield, the fiberglass shield created by Studio Art and Technology that the EFX shares a lineage with is the screen used shield/look that replaced the aluminum shields from The First Avenger. This is how the shields looked in most of the Avengers, The Winter Solider, as seen below, and seemingly Age of Ultron.
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If one likes the hyper shine/metallic First Avenger shield, that is totally cool. To be perfectly honest that shield with the prominently grooved star and subtle bullet strike battle damage is my absolute favourite. Having said that the aluminum customs by the likes of Chris Fields are the only ones that come close to achieving this look. To call or infer that the LICENSED EFX is in someway substandard or inferior in anyway is uninformed and unfair IMHO.
For me, screen accuracy is unimportant. Cap's shield is Cap's shield has always been Cap's shield. They are all recognizable and the important thing is that it looks great for what it is, not compared to a photo from a movie. I would also like something metal and heavy.
I can appreciate a lot of that sentiment but the shield from film to film, versus the comics, to animation and even video games is significantly different. For instance Caps shield in the comics is one smooth piece (no grooves between the rings) and the star has never, ever had any details added to it outside the films.