KissTrueScale KTS001 1/6 Walz Rampage.

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Super Freak
Jan 16, 2016
Reaction score
Hi everyone.

Couple of years back I bought this awesome 1/6 bike from a local vendor:

It was not properly packaged, and if it left the vendor in good condition, it got to me literally broken in 2 parts after just a 55KM trip. Got my money back, and understood that this heavy, full-metal bike had to be shipped w/ lots of precaution: the art box being shipped w/o being tightly shut had allowed the bike to bump inside the art box enough to break in 2 parts by the weakest point.

Some time later, this seller from South Korea appeared:
And a few weeks later, I bought the same bike from him:

This time, the bike arrived VERY well packaged. To begin with, the art box came in this heavily padded shipper.....


.....& it was wrapped in transparent film, which in turn was tied with adhesive tape very tightly. This is the film & tape after removing them both:


Once removed, I opened the art box and took off the bike. To my horror, this was lying below the bike.....



That was the front wheel brake, unglued & heavily scratched against the front wheel.


Brake cable also severed:


Heavy scratching had generated lots of flaking:


The culprit might be this, which looks like an impact caused by a blow coming front the outside, & which might have caused the seam in the foam:



As far as I can see, the rest of the bike is pristine.

I paid 465€ for the bike + shipping, plus 55€ in taxes. I have claimed a partial refund of 232€ (half the price), which the seller shelled out immediately, which means I should have asked for more. I am stuck w/ a 300€ bike that will be very hard to fix.

The seller says this never happened to them before. There are 12 feedbacks on his account of 12 units of this bike sold before. Except for one that seems to report breakage, all other are OK.

Considering how well packaged the damned thing was, I suspect the packaging is not good enough to fully protect this very heavy bike, and there might be many defective units.

My question to the forum: have any of you guys purchased this bike? Found the same problem?

232eu for a broken brake pad. i would be very happy to fix it myself or pay some modeller 100er to fix it and everyone happy.

cant you salvage the brake from the old bike?
I am not exactly complaining, but the bike was crazy expensive to begin with. 400€ at release years ago (as far as I have found out), 515€ now incl. taxes. Not getting what I was promised, is kind of disappointing.

I am just asking to find out about other people's experiences. The packaging might be flawed. The way the extremely hard-to-negotiate-with seller from Korea IMMEDIATELY shelled out the money, is pretty suspicious, actually.


Concerning fixing, I am not sure it will be that cheap. I'd like to fix it myself, one day, but I reckon I am years away from being able to do it properly. The wheel seems impossible to disassemble, which would be necessary: black paint has to be removed off the metal part of the wheel, which has to be airbrushed again with some kind of black paint. I will have to reconnect the brake w/ the flexible tube, which might be as easy as dropping a bit of superglue... or not.....

I’d return it to the seller and ask for a replacement. If they’re not willing to do that, I’d just return it for a refund. You didn’t pay good money for a broken item, and it doesn’t sound like you’re going to be happy with it as is. It’s your call, but I would see it every day and it would grate on me.

The seller is just going to make a damage claim and get reimbursed, so they’re not out anything. I’ve actually had an ebay seller ship me something that I could prove was damaged before it was shipped, but their claim paid it off after I returned it. It was their way of getting paid for defective stock.

Best of luck to you!
I’d return it to the seller and ask for a replacement. If they’re not willing to do that, I’d just return it for a refund. You didn’t pay good money for a broken item, and it doesn’t sound like you’re going to be happy with it as is. It’s your call, but I would see it every day and it would grate on me.

The seller is just going to make a damage claim and get reimbursed, so they’re not out anything. I’ve actually had an ebay seller ship me something that I could prove was damaged before it was shipped, but their claim paid it off after I returned it. It was their way of getting paid for defective stock.

Best of luck to you!
who pays the return. does the shipping company reimburse the return cost? i assume the item value and shipping is covered so someone still has to bear the return fee.

i assume seller gave half value return because he wanted to avoid the hefty shipping fee for returns and still stuck with a damaged bike. which maybe further damaged during its way back.
I am not exactly complaining, but the bike was crazy expensive to begin with. 400€ at release years ago (as far as I have found out), 515€ now incl. taxes. Not getting what I was promised, is kind of disappointing.

I am just asking to find out about other people's experiences. The packaging might be flawed. The way the extremely hard-to-negotiate-with seller from Korea IMMEDIATELY shelled out the money, is pretty suspicious, actually.


Concerning fixing, I am not sure it will be that cheap. I'd like to fix it myself, one day, but I reckon I am years away from being able to do it properly. The wheel seems impossible to disassemble, which would be necessary: black paint has to be removed off the metal part of the wheel, which has to be airbrushed again with some kind of black paint. I will have to reconnect the brake w/ the flexible tube, which might be as easy as dropping a bit of superglue... or not.....

i cant see clearly, but it seems the whole piece minus the wordings in black and the damaged paint is more on the innerside? masking the wording and spraying the piece with matt or semi gloss black would return it to new after you cleaned and smoothen the parts.

for the hose, i think you just dab a drop of superglue with toothpick on the "peg" and slide the rubber back into the peg that is all.

but of course the value would drop if you were to resell as you need to declare it being fixed but you got compensation for that.
who pays the return. does the shipping company reimburse the return cost? i assume the item value and shipping is covered so someone still has to bear the return fee.

i assume seller gave half value return because he wanted to avoid the hefty shipping fee for returns and still stuck with a damaged bike. which maybe further damaged during its way back.
I’m not sure I understand why it’s relevant whether or not the seller gets a damaged return further damaged in return shipping. The op will have to decide for himself how he wants to proceed, but doing nothing certainly seems to guarantee he’s just going to be stuck with a broken item for at least an extended period of time, as he has clearly stated.

I would start out by reporting it to ebay as “item not as described”.

Ebay has a money back guarantee associated with this specific listing. They will either cover the shipping or work with him on it. I’ve used it before and never been out a penny.

I’m in the US, so I don’t know about any VAT that may be involved or how that is addressed, but reaching out to ebay will shed some light on that.

That’s really all the value I can contribute here, so again, best wishes to the op for a satisfactory outcome.