So sad.
I?m actually kind of exasperated with the media coverage on this and find it sort of disrespectful, especially being that there were other kids on board as well and not just Kobe?s. It?s nothing but Kobe and his daughter, but mostly Kobe. Our society is just so obsessed with and enamored by celebrities. I get that Kobe obviously casts a pretty big shadow, but not one of those people knew they were going to die when they woke up and boarded that helicopter that morning; they simply thought they were merely taking a quick ride to their rec basketball game. I find that notion to be incredibly poignant the most, not just the fact that Kobe died and a sports celebrity was lost.
According to that witness in the video above, he speculates that death was instantaneous for all occupants based on the sound of the chopper?s impact and in the way it hit. However, I wonder if the hill they crashed into was instantaneous in the sense that it emerged out of the fog at the last second and immediately made impact, or if the pilot and the occupants had time to realize that they were going to crash and that this was likely their final moments on Earth. If the latter, I wonder what one thinks about in a moment like that. I think about it, but yet I don?t want to think about it because it?s incredibly sad to think about.
Of course the best case scenario is you don?t want anyone to perish in something like this, but it sort of brings me comfort to know that when it comes to the kids on board, they all have at least one of their parents with them so that way they don?t have to face the afterlife (with whatever it brings) alone, after leaving this world so suddenly and tragically.