Broke and happy
PR fights easily > Kong
Jackson's Kong even with all of its faults is a masterpiece compared to this Kong.
Jackson's Kong even with all of its faults is a masterpiece compared to this Kong.
\ I love crabs and octopuses.
I know an easy way you can get both, but it will cost you 70 bucks
https://coub.com/view/embxyou should feel bad for it, Riddick.
Almost everything in the original Star Wars was old school tech -- models, mattes, etc -- except they brought everything up to the next level with computer controlled camera movement and they could 'rotoscope' a lot better. If I remember correctly, those two things seemed to be the big "forward leaps" back in '77. Moving the camera instead of the model was a huge change in mind-set -- and being able to replicate an exact camera move. The rest was just old tech -- nothing different from 1969's '2001: A Space Odyssey".
Just saw this- it is very very very bad. I cannot believe some of you guys thought this was great. It is quite awful
Just saw this- it is very very very bad. I cannot believe some of you guys thought this was great. It is quite awful
It's a kaiju movie for crying out loud, not Gone With The Wind.
At least two "very's" too many there if not three. It's a kaiju movie for crying out loud, not Gone With The Wind.
Just saw this today and wanted to share my opinion with a bunch of semi strangers:
I thought the movie was very entertaining. An excellent action adventure. Actors and set pieces were great. Overall cool designs and the 70's vibe was very well done. I don't really get the hate for this movie, or what people are expecting from an intro shared universe kaiju movie. It did its job as an enjoyable romp through Skull Island.