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Re: re
He's here, but I'm hopin' to bring mi other half home from hospital today, following a successful knee replacement


'Ole Kingy's gonna haveta stay in box fer now :bang

TC :bonk :eye :bonk
Re: re
Just got mine today.
Nice statue, but a bit disappointed with the face. Not as well painted as I would have hoped.
However, the sculpting of the armour and robes is excellent.
And it is not damaged!! First undamaged statue for ages. Long may it continue.

Saruman on Nazgul Steed
Re: re
I got my KOTD also arrived today and in perfect condition

WOW i couldn't believe it but he's one of my favorites.
My New Wounded orc arrived to and again broke an the same ear in front and back,nicely painted but i saw it.
Regards Linda
My Gothmog should arrive tomorrow so hope he's also in perfect shape.