Honestly it's a fantastic piece just like the original version but I feel that the deco on this is one of the most impressive-looking Nucleon Quest homages I've ever seen and the inclusion of the newer, articulated hands is a great touch. Fans Hobby figured out a way to make their best even better here. The link gives the full breakdown and here are some pics from the gallery section:
The review goes into detail but overall being a recolor it doesn't ring anything new to the table but the armor adds a special element on top of a lot of flare. Here are a few pics from the gallery:
The article breaks this thing down but overall it's an extremely solid and articulated piece that shows very quickly in-hand why the price is so high. Here are a few shots from the 20-picture gallery:
The article breaks it down but overall this is one that came out waaaaay better than it looked to be in the photos leading up to its release and I like it quite a bit! Check out the full review on site and here are a few pics from the gallery portion:
The article breaks it down but overall I was very surprised at just how impressef I am with this one. The size, detail, finish, engineering, all of it... just incredible. Here are some shots from the gallery portion;
Article Summary; I gave this one beyond a 10 even because honestly Just perfect from the box, to the packaging, to every millimeter of the figure itself. It's insane to me that something a decade old at this point is above and beyond something that can be used as a standard bearer for today's mecha collectibles. It's mind boggling to me to hear stories from those collecting back then that this was passed on to the point where it went on sale for significant markdowns when looking at the MSRP it was actually quite a deal at full price for what you get (compare this at 23k JPY to something like the Getter Devolution Getter 1 from Sentinel at 26k; no contest.) Truly a once-in-a-lifetime piece and I can't think of a real argument for against anyone calling it the G.O.A.T. in terms of mecha collectibles.
Samples from gallery portion of article (full gallery consists of 22 images