This thing is just sick. I love the articulation and the accessories work so well. First time I've really found myself actually using everything in the box on one of these pretty frequently. Here are some pics from the gallery:
Overall it's a solid piece, and it was nice to continually find little gimmicks and nuances I dug about it even as I reviewed it. Here are a few pics from the gallery (Full galla is over 30 pics and includes both white and stylized backgrounds
The video portion sums up a lot of my thoughts; in fact, reviewing it actually made me think more highly of it than I did really getting to play with it in-depth, but it's still no where near worth the price. Here's a few pics from the galla portion:
Gotta' admit that is grown on me and I dig it more than the Modular Iron Man. The color match and compatibility with the accessories for 04 War Machine just put it over the top. Here are some pics from the gallery:
Overall, I appreciate the effort to bring another lead character to the line, but the execution on this one definitely felt like a let down. I go in depth in the review but basically I think that it would have been much better served as an outright Ultra Magnus without the White Prime underneath to maximize things like articulation, electronics, and even use of diecast.
It definitely keeps with their overall theme of more simplistic stylings and play in the Master Builder line but of the three Monsterbot homages I definitely feel like it has the most to offer in terms of look, build, and obviously accessories. Here are some pics from the galla section:
Overall, this is about Iron Factory's most overall solid release to-date and really makes me wish Shockwave could have gotten this kind of love in Classics scale. This thing is the epitome of what a "desk toy" should be be.
This piece is pretty damned hot, but honestly the price is a bit over-the-top for a full plastic piece. The link goes in-depth with thoughts, but here are some pics from the gallery:
The write-up definitely has a longer, more detailed breakdown but overall I feel that it's a good piece that has a few minor niggles that make it fall short of that bar set by pieces like Dancouga. Definitely check it out and let me know what you think of my thoughts.