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I'd be interested to hear from someone like MYC whether intricate cloth craftsmanship forces the cost up versus keeping it down. In the case of Maul, I might agree that the tailoring should be simple, but with Kylo, the material appearance is so critical that the tailoring may actually be more expensive than sculpting, casting and painting an all resin statue. I personally prefer the mixed media over fully sculpted but at the price point, we should have the option to go shirtless with our Maul :)

I don't think it would be apples to apples... For a lot of reasons. One he paints them himself, paint isn't that expensive but he doesn't do the cloth himself so obviously that'll be more expensive. It takes more time obviously (especially as he doesn't do the tailoring work). There's a huge difference in mass producing an item and making just a few....
This one is priced way out of proportion. So in this case, I'm not so sure that is true. We may not get a better Kylo in this format or scale, but that assumption alone doesn't justify the price tag for me, as much as I really would like this.

Same for me, 100%.
The name of the game is making money. Companies aren't going to look out for the little guy like how some people wish they did. They're going to set a price based on production costs, materials, licensing, edition size, wages, profit, etc etc and see if it sells at that price. That is all there is to it.

Sideshow is not around to save you money in an industry/hobby where people are paying hundreds and even thousands of dollars for action figures and mini statues.

This is it.
Characters are priced the way they are priced because Sideshow thinks they can sell at that price point... period. Sideshow has all the sales datas, we don't. They have no reason to sell Maul for 400$ when they know it can sell for 520$, if the datas in their hands suggest that said character will sell well enough at that price point, it's entirely reasonable for them to price it at that price point - and not 120$ cheaper.

Just look at the different pricing of the Sandtrooper, it wouldn't sell at 500+$. The excuse of it being an older project doesn't really hold up. Seriously how do people imagine the conversation between Sideshow and the factory going down?
"Hi, we have this Sandtrooper we finally want to produce, it took us 3 years"
"Oh cool, it's a 3 years old project so we'll charge you production costs from 3 years ago even if today's costs are entirely different!"
They just know that characters from the new movies will have sales boosted by hype, like Kylo and the new troopers, while iconic characters from the older movies will sell because, well, they are iconic.
And since they are a business, and at the end of the day there's a lot of passion involved into the work but what really moves things is money, it's hard to blame them for trying to maximize profits. Just deal with the fact that no amount of reasonable talks will justify the price of some of these things and move on.
This is it.
Characters are priced the way they are priced because Sideshow thinks they can sell at that price point... period. Sideshow has all the sales datas, we don't. They have no reason to sell Maul for 400$ when they know it can sell for 520$, if the datas in their hands suggest that said character will sell well enough at that price point, it's entirely reasonable for them to price it at that price point - and not 120$ cheaper.

Just look at the different pricing of the Sandtrooper, it wouldn't sell at 500+$. The excuse of it being an older project doesn't really hold up. Seriously how do people imagine the conversation between Sideshow and the factory going down?
"Hi, we have this Sandtrooper we finally want to produce, it took us 3 years"
"Oh cool, it's a 3 years old project so we'll charge you production costs from 3 years ago even if today's costs are entirely different!"

They just know that characters from the new movies will have sales boosted by hype, like Kylo and the new troopers, while iconic characters from the older movies will sell because, well, they are iconic.
And since they are a business, and at the end of the day there's a lot of passion involved into the work but what really moves things is money, it's hard to blame them for trying to maximize profits. Just deal with the fact that no amount of reasonable talks will justify the price of some of these things and move on.

I agree that SS knows what they can charge for something at any given time. The example you gave about the ST's pricing I don't agree with though. There may have been a sketch shown three years ago, but the factory would only agree on a cost to produce once the actual prototype was made. The factory would not agree on a price of a three year old sketch alone. Even if costs go up once the cost to produce has been agreed on, the cost is the cost and I don't think SS would allow the factory to change that. SS shows us sneaks etc., but we never truly know when the piece is put into production and when the price was agreed on. Delays on the factory side can also cause uneven price jumps. But in the end the price jumps for the newer stuff is too much to too soon IMO.
He's looking really awesome in that pic. I'm so glad I've got him on order.

I agree me too. Many bailed due to price but this is far nicer than others and their main villain in the movie. Of course I'm just looking at pix and the video he was in for SS and other eye witness reports. I'm pretty sure I'll be a little kid when the EX comes.

I'll be even happier when they announce the base lights up and saber heh
I've found one of the possible poses I prefer: Standing straight up and looking to one side. Simple and Powerful, feeling that I can't find on the SS one because of the hunchbacked pose.
while many say.. museum pose is boring.. mostly its the best choice .. like this here.. LOVE IT
Nah come on, you can't say justifying the cost. But it definitely looks amazing. I'm really happy with the pose and honestly can't really think of a more appropriate/iconic one to start the line of high end statues for this character.

Good thing I don't care about the EX (or enough about the character to make myself get the EX, like I did with Maul), I'll get it for less in Europe when it hits the shelves. But yeah, it's damn expensive :gah:
That's nice as well, but I don't think there's any question that Sideshow nailed his pose in action.

I agree, this pose is iconic with Kylo, you look at movie posters of Kylo, comic con poses its all exactly in this PF Pose, so don't think any of us can complain. Many complain with sideshow's poses these days, or prime 1's soulless posses, kylo is a refreshing statue seeing so much storytelling in this statue, its a piece I can't wait to get hold of. The price is another debate, but I am defiantly getting him since he is a character I want to go with my boba fett and vader PF's
Yes it's all true the POSE Can't be beat for me PRICE Is worth it once we get it QUALITY Well it's a mixed media statue being touted for its quality so I believe it's high end.

I couldn't PO fast enough in fact on announcing it was being made I counted the days and with free shipping and double points and the $50 Sideshow knocked off last month and only owing $32 I'm just dying to get mine.

I'm still hoping the base lights up.

As far as the EX I did get that but I don't think there were any other choice plus I'm sure the price is the same for either.
Definitely glad I don't need the exclusive. This is a buy for me, but I"m waiting for ebay. This will definitely be at least $100 bucks cheaper. Also, I want to see his look in episode VIII, who knows, he may look much cooler.
when I was in nycc this year, one of the reps said base and saber does NOT light up because of the diodes and licensing agreement to make it as accurate as possible. Having certain diodes won't have it light up true to the movie. They said under a good light it will look like it lights up. That being said, I'm still on the fence since with all that money, it doesn't come with any light up features.

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when I was in nycc this year, one of the reps said base and saber does light up because of the diodes and licensing agreement to make it as accurate as possible. Having certain diodes won't have it light up true to the movie. That being said, I'm still on the fence since with all that money, it doesn't come with any light up features.

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

Wait...I'm so confused with what you said here. :lol
Yes the rep said it will but then you said it doesn't at the end lol I think you missed the word if.

I always thought both the base and saber will and like Vader it will be a pleasant surprise reveal. I hope I'm right heh
No doubt the saber will light up imo, the days of lightsabers that don't light up on Sideshow statues are long gone. And I think it's going to look amazing. I actually love the look of the saber on the proto btw.

About the base, I'm assuming we are talking about that red "gem" on the front? That would be awesome, holy crap. Wish they did the same for Maul just like that:

The red gem on the front is all around the base. There are like 4-5 of them.

I thought they were his hilt bottoms.
The red gem on the front is all around the base. There are like 4-5 of them.

I thought they were his hilt bottoms.

and they are actually .. I think they are 3 around the base .. one for each blade outlet on his hilt .. and the sliver stripes indicate the helmet design