You can't be a real fan and expect every movie to be like the other!
It is what it is, I love Kylo and the movies before !
It is what it is, I love Kylo and the movies before !
I think the biggest mistake Lucas made was starting the first movie with an 8 yr old Darth Vader, there was no need for that... should've started the series with the timeline closer to the clone wars... but we are
before we stray too far off topic, here's how I have Kylo displayed for now until my Darth Maul PF and IS Vader arrive
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Should give just as much credit to his ex-wife ;P
Man that's harsh. Wtf with you people I praise the man who gave me star wars. Even if the first two prepeuls were not that good. Because I really dislike Abrams movies I can not recall any movie of his that I liked. In my opinion he ruined this last star wars! However, I still respect him and his creative style. But to each their own and I am glad another director is taking over the helm!
Man that's harsh.
Lol this place is where sanity goes to die.
There's the side by side for ya.