Re: C-Phan work on......
Sachiel : Anakin and Plo koon's robe comes from
D-Art Studio
dedguy : I'm not really agree with the top quality of
SST robes, the fabric is too thick and if you add the multiple layer of Jedis tunic, they look like tanks.
Leprechaun : here ya go.
Original Plo Koon
SST Plo Koon w/robe
Elevated neck Plo Koon w/D-Art Studio robe
Here the other issues with
Plo Koon, the colors of is clothes, too light.
I switch the pants with
Anakin (who, in the movie version, is lighter the
SST version), and switch his tunic with
Kit Fisto and dye it with darker brown.
Reference photo :
Comparison photos
left modified neck & clothes PLo Koon / right SST Plo Koon
I raise his neck because he looked dug into his multiple clothes to make him look closer to the film.