Well, I for one, don't find your nasty comments funny at all and you are on a par with Diesel in your warped sense of humor and not appreciated at all. You're a teacher, eh? Well, if the teachers they are pumping out now are all like you, then I really feel sorry for the students you teach. Your comments have been malicious and nasty and have no place on a forum of polystone. How'd you like it if people started slamming teachers? no? then leave people alone and just remember the words that mom has been teaching for years. "If you can't say something nice, then keep your mouth shut" Those are good words to live by and I would hope that you take them under advisement. Teachers are so influential to our youth of today and by your comments you are influencing the youth. High Elven is 15 years old. Do you really want to be that kind of influence on him? I would hope not.