Leaked images - new SW PF

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It concerns me how often Lucasfilm and the licenses can get SW fans/collectors to fall for utterly contrived characters.

"Let's give Anakin a padawan in the Clone Wars and make her a pre-adolescent girl! This will attract the young female fan in the Hanna Montana crowd!!" CHECK

"Let's create a great-grandson of Luke and name him something obvious, like Cade. He can be a semi dark Jedi! And, ooh! He can wear some armor similar to Vader! They'll eat it up!" CHECK

"Let's just take a sexy Twi'lek chick, make her a Sith and paint her up like Darth Maul. They'll buy it!" CHECK

This has to be the most predictable and gullible fan base in the world. I mean, seriously, LFL doesn't even have to make an effort for this stuff to fly. I don't get it.

For the record, I don't care about any of the EU characters, and in fact I'm only barely aware of them. But I'm not really sure I see the problem with saying, essentially, "Let's give the fans things they'll like!"
For the record, I don't care about any of the EU characters, and in fact I'm only barely aware of them. But I'm not really sure I see the problem with saying, essentially, "Let's give the fans things they'll like!"

I think there is a difference, meaning LFL is all about pandering not quality for the sake of a well just pick one (story, design, originality). Also Carl you forgot Cade's "Vader pants" :lol. Oh EU you suck ass.
I don't follow the EU but don't consider myself an "elitist"...how we can have a darth talon before the emporer is beyond me...
I blame myself entirely for this PF, I've been sporting my signature for nearly 2 years, but at least it shows that Sideshow listen to me...
I blame myself entirely for this PF, I've been sporting my signature for nearly 2 years, but at least it shows that Sideshow listen to me...

I blame you as well!!! Thank You for supporting EU characters! :D
I blame myself entirely for this PF, I've been sporting my signature for nearly 2 years, but at least it shows that Sideshow listen to me...

Now let's negotiate your new signature to have both Stormtrooper and Blackhole Stormtrooper in it. ;)
Sideshow could just ditch the SW license to do their own "Originals" loosely based on the galaxy far away. This way we get more varieties of space alien chicks with laser swords! :lol :huh
Yeah, making this hot red alien chick wearing skimpy clothes and holding a lightsaber, sounds like a quick way to cash in.
Although cool, not sure I want to start getting stuff like this in my collection, especially when no one I know, will even know who this is.
Then for sure they will speculate, I only have this, because I must like hot alien chicks and drool over it when no ones around lol
I'm lucky I can collect this stuff in the first place, and my gf is ok with it. If I start getting hot alien chicks to display, red flags will probably go up in her head lol

Yeah.. I like Asajj because she has some air of class going for her, and she resembles the character from the first animated CW. Talon is more of a shark-jumping piece to me, that no matter how cool she turns out, it just doesn't fit my collecting goals.
Not a piece or character I have any interest in... but if they make it, someone will buy it :lol
So can we have a sideous PF now??

Some of you guys take this stuff way too seriously :duh

It's a cool looking character, so they made a statue of it. Does it really need to be more complicated than that? Or maybe there really is some hidden evil agenda behind every non-OT release? :lol
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