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Super Freak
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Please do keep in mind before you read the following post. It is entirely based on my opinion.

First of all I am not one of those people who were begging for a HT Reeves superman.

I don't know about how you guys here feel about DX04 Bruce Lee by Hot Toys, but honestly I think it is not that great and I think it is just a stupid move to take since ENTERBAY just did a Bruce Lee very recently.

It's almost like all these HK company just jump on a Bruce Lee bandwagon and try to outdo each other.

Even that, I think ENTERBAY and CINEMAQUETTE makes better Bruce Lee than Hot Toys did.

They should do an icon that no other company has tackled before.
i wholeheartedly agree. i feel that this was a really low blow on hot toys behalf to enterbay and cinemaquette (eb especially).

not only is this just poor business etiquette, but it also limits the variety that we, as collectors receive. there's numerous bruce lee figures from eb that are all outstanding, all have rolling eyes, some have moveable heads, all have sculpted bodies, and all have detailed, large bases. this just adds to that list, with no improvements at all, besides a possible smaller price.

personally, i feel this was a poor, and tasteless move on hot toys part, and i lost a lot of respect for them. granted, i will still buy their products.
IMO as well: Its HT and they want to ride that BL asian "heritage/icon/whatever" bandwagon. Pretty understandble in my opinion.

I think the initial consensus is that a DX CR Superman would net them more money but I don't think they made a poor decision or "stupid" decision as a company by choosing BL. I mean, it is Bruce lee, they are entitled to ride that bandwagon as much as they please and they are fine with losing certain customers on this one because they will surely eventually produce everything else people want.

Win-Win situation.

In regards to business etiquette, I don't know, I'm no expert.
On the positive side for Enterbay they didn't even have to make a new figure and leveled the score with Hot Toys at 1-1 after the Godfather competition.
Let me add one more point. The folks at HT probably worked really hard and feel really proud at finally getting a chance to do BL, and I'm sure that is understandable. I'm sure the sculpters and team that worked on DX04 really want collectors to appreciate their effort and surely would not like to feel that people are losing respect for HT because they worked on a fun project.

As Plasmid said, just because Enterbay is pro at BL figures, doesn't mean HT shouldn't have their chance at BL.
This is like saying, 'Leave baked beans to Heinz.' Hot Toys are a company like any other and they take licenses that they want to tackle and that they feel have an audience, a pretty simple and sensible approach in any reasonable person's eyes. If they chose licenses according to what hasn't been done before then you wouldn't be seeing new 'Terminator 2' figures now and a good many other favourite properties would also be off limits.

If multiple Bruce Lees really meant something to you, and wasn't just nitwit whining because you didn't get what you wanted today, you'd take issue with the multiple versions of Lee that Enterbay has been putting out for several years, but no...
Nothing wrong with competition.

You'll get over the initial disappointment of not getting what you wanted.
This is like saying, 'Leave baked beans to Heinz.' Hot Toys are a company like any other and they take licenses that they want to tackle and that they feel have an audience, a pretty simple and sensible approach in any reasonable person's eyes. If they chose licenses according to what hasn't been done before then you wouldn't be seeing new 'Terminator 2' figures now and a good many other favourite properties would also be off limits.

If multiple Bruce Lees really meant something to you, and wasn't just nitwit whining because you didn't get what you wanted today, you'd take issue with the multiple versions of Lee that Enterbay has been putting out for several years, but no...


But seriously, as collectors we just spend money on what we think is worth the money. That is really all there is.
i'm picking this one up for sure. the eb one was nice, but the body really lacked articulation. hot toys owned eb on the godfather and i am sure they're gonna tweak him up some more before release. the sculpt needs some more work, but he comes with a boatload of accessories and i'm betting it's around the same price as the eb one
Maybe they can get Arnie Kim to switch teams. Arnie's undoubtedly the best Bruce Lee sculptor in this scale.

And 1/4 too
I must respectfully disagree. It's not like HT is a company like EB with only a limited number of announced figures on the horizon. Predators, Iron Man 2, T2 (and possible T1), Expendables, Platoon, Inglourious Basterds, Blade, Resident Evil, Avatar, Ghostrider, Spider-Man, X-Men, Tron, Prince of Persia, Clash of the Titans....and the list goes on. This is one figure - and HT has not shown any signs of slowing down in their pursuit of diverse licenses and different product lines. I think HT has the resources to pursue more niche lines and properties and yet still produce the more iconic properties. HT is probably the most prolific 1/6 maker out there right now (more so IMO than Sideshow, any of the military makers, EB, Medicom, etc.).

Also, HT is a HK company, and Bruce Lee is still revered there (as well as Japan, evidently HT's #1 market) (if you're in HK, go check out his statue!). Not to mention that it is the 70th anniversary of his b-day. As Vareika pointed out, this project could really be one that hits close to the heart for HT's artists - a real project borne from passion. Let's not denigrate it just because we don't share the same passion.

As for business etiquette, I don't think capitalism and a free market work without competition - which often entails imitation and directly competing products, which ultimately benefits the consumer. Using the Godfather figure as an example, I think most people agree that HT and EB really stepped up their efforts to make fantastic figures and we, the collectors, reaped the rewards.

Just my thoughts.