Left 4 Dead

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Game looks interesting, but I think it's a little too "fast" for my taste. Reminds me of Unreal. It's so fast you can't enjoy your kills and see what the heck is going on. if it were a touch slower game speed wise I think it could be cool.
Game looks interesting, but I think it's a little too "fast" for my taste. Reminds me of Unreal. It's so fast you can't enjoy your kills and see what the heck is going on. if it were a touch slower game speed wise I think it could be cool.

Seems like return of the living dead or dawn of the dead remake kind of zombies. Fast moving and such, just hopefully none of them use weapons.
Speed usually creates cold sweats and hypertension when I take it.

ooooh the game..

mad raver :rotfl


I think the speed creates the fear & tension

i have always prefered slow zombies, in games like RE they were best as the norm. But for a game like this its alright to have them all hyped up. Im sure this game will be fun, think they are gonna have any zombie animals in it? mainly dogs cats etc, those could add to it as well since they would be even faster.

:horror What if one of the levels in the game is a graveyard and the zombies keep coming up out of the ground. if your running through the grass instead of the path you run the chance of tripping/getting grabbed by their hands.

As for the Demo I think Ill be ok, I dont get Fable/Little Big Planet/Dead Space until my birthday 11/6, and I wont get Gears until Amazon sends it out with the bundle (prob a week or so).
4 player coop would be too easy if the zombies were slow

yeah thats what I was saying, or trying to say. this type of game needs the fast zombies. a game like dead rising would be horrible with running zombies though....actually i never beat it since my 360 died twice when playing it.
i think they should've mixed it up. have the majority of the zombies slow so they can swarm in packs, but throw in some of the fast runners to mix it up and really keep the tension rising. this is on my list of games to get so if you guys want to start a zombie squad please let me know since none of my friends with 360s plan on getting this game.
i think they should've mixed it up. have the majority of the zombies slow so they can swarm in packs, but throw in some of the fast runners to mix it up and really keep the tension rising. this is on my list of games to get so if you guys want to start a zombie squad please let me know since none of my friends with 360s plan on getting this game.

Well, there are regular zombies which move at a certain speed and then the boss zombies including the tank and boomer which are both slow and the hunter and smoker that are very quick. So there is some variation, but mainly it's periods of quiet and then intensity. It's all mixed up by the new AI director so no two games are the same, which has me really excited. The E3 LEFT 4 DEAD presentation shows how cool this feature is. And I'm with ya in starting a zombie squad.
^^^cool thanks for that. the videos are really bad quality so i can't really tell which zombies are moving at what speed. either way this game looks sexy as hell.
i might even pick up the PC version too just so i can join with my brother who is anti-360.
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game looks pretty good, real intense video. Also kind odd that both Spider-man and the Hulk make cameo's in it as well, but as long as it works I guess.
I had no clue this game even existed until now....but I've already PO'd. Zombies rule!!! Now to talk my friends into getting this too so we can co-op on 360.
I'm excited about this game anything to do with Zombies is usually a good thing. There are alot of games to buy this month I hope I can keep up.:D
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