Yeah, I can't stand playing FPS on a console. The gamepad doesn't have the precision of a mouse.
Yeah, I can't stand playing FPS on a console. The gamepad doesn't have the precision of a mouse.
Yeah, I can't stand playing FPS on a console. The gamepad doesn't have the precision of a mouse.
9.0 from IGN. As we know, there are 4 campaigns and according to IGN they take about 30 minutes each. So about 2 hours total of the actual campaign. They say it has a high replay value, as of right now. But who knows 3 months from now......
But the best part they say is to play with your friends, and keep trying to get higher scores, etc.
Hold on, only 2 hours of campaign??? That is retarded if you're charging $60 for a video game. I was possibly going to pick this up as well but no way in hell if that's true.
I downloaded the demo yesterday and plan on playing it a bit tonight when I get home.
Hold on, only 2 hours of campaign??? That is retarded if you're charging $60 for a video game. I was possibly going to pick this up as well but no way in hell if that's true.
It's really hard to justify any game right now knowing that anytime we're on LIVE, we'll be playing Gears. I love all the MP games in Gears and just have a hard time imagining that we'll all grab another game to make it worth the purchase.
just wait until the first of the year when the Gears 2 thrill calms down a little bit.
Now, if there's a ding against Left 4 Dead, it's that the fact that there are only four scenarios, which is a small number to wrap your head around, and you can play through a scenario in 20 or 30 minutes on the normal difficulty setting. On higher difficulty settings, it'll take longer since you'll die a lot, requiring restarts at the beginning or the most recent safe house that you've reached. Granted, the four scenarios are highly replayable; you could play them over and over again and events unfold differently. There are two reasons for that. The first is the built-in "director" system that manages the action. If you're doing well, it will throw more zombies, like a sadistic dungeon master in a game of Dungeons & Dragons. If you're doing badly, it might decide to ease up on you a bit by providing health kits and ammunition. The second reason is simple human nature. It's a blast to play with others, but it can also be a hilarious experience, as well as a slightly frustrating one at times.
The value proposition also takes a slight ding when you discover that the Versus mode that lets you play as the zombies against other humans is only available in two of the campaigns (No Mercy and Blood Harvest). Please note that versus mode is an absolute hoot, especially in a LAN setting, but I had a lot of fun playing online as well. In Versus, one team controls the human players (you need at least a single player on the human side; the rest of the characters can be driven by bots) while up to four others play as the special zombies. If you're on the side of the undead, the game picks your special zombie class for you; all classes are available save for the witch.
It only has 4 levels, but they're meant to be replayed in multiplayer fashion.
L4E is a Valve game, which means constant updates and downloadable maps will be available soon and for free (for PC users). They did the same thing for Team Fortress 2.