Legacy of the Force

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I just recently bought Betrayal. I was waiting for the Paperback... because as you guys noticed... they stagger the selection a bit between hardcovers and such... and when I bought the NJO that messed up my shelf order. So now I buy all the paperbacks and save my hardcover purchases for single novels.

Haven't started reading it yet because I'm still finishing Outbound Flight. :rock
I hate that some come out in HC and others in PB. All of my Star Wars books are in paperback to maintain uniformity. But I can't stand waiting and risking spoilers so alot of times with series like this I go ahead and buy the HC and then rebuy the PB for my shelf when it comes out.
Agent0028 said:
I hate that some come out in HC and others in PB. All of my Star Wars books are in paperback to maintain uniformity. But I can't stand waiting and risking spoilers so alot of times with series like this I go ahead and buy the HC and then rebuy the PB for my shelf when it comes out.
im the same way but i collect the hardback versions. i usually wait for the scifi book club to announce the books because they usually get some exclusive hardback version of he paperbacks.
I'm enjoying it alot. Personally I think it is one of the better series, but I really liked NJO too, so maybe I just have bad taste. :lol I can't wait to see how it all comes out. Have you read Sacrifice? The ending of that one is going to make a ****-storm in the next one. I hope anyways, if not I'll be disappointed.
Yeah I know that feeling, I wish it were coming out tomorrow because my classes start on Monday. And unfortunately there's no transition with my classes it'll be high gear on day one and I'll be starting my internship. Blah.
^^ouch. luckily my classes don't really get going until the 2nd or 3rd day. the book comes out the first day of classes so i should have it finished before the weekend.
New cover for the final book in the series and it looks frakkin' great


and here's the Force Unleashed cover

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Wow, I have to catch up.... I am still on book 2! :lol

Loving the story though, it's just maddening to see Jacen slip so far though. I never saw it coming. :monkey2
Ooh, that is awesome. I'm so excited for the next book. If its going where I think its going based on the end of the last one its gonna be really awesome. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I wonder if its going to tie in to the Legacy comics line at the end.

Is The Force Unleashed going to be a video game, a novel, and a graphic novel?
Ooh, that is awesome. I'm so excited for the next book. If its going where I think its going based on the end of the last one its gonna be really awesome. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I wonder if its going to tie in to the Legacy comics line at the end.

Is The Force Unleashed going to be a video game, a novel, and a graphic novel?

Indeed the force unleashed will be all of those. IMO, it's kind of a lame name, but we'll see.

If I think where the legacy series is going, it should be great. I do think they will tie in the legacy comic a little bit. they already have tied it in from the 6th book
Hmm, I musta missed the tie-in. Either its because I've only read the first Legacy TPB and its from a later part, or it went over my head (which is always possible :lol) or maybe I just forgot (also possible).

I agree that The Force Unleashed is a lackluster name. It is great for the game, but a different title for the book and comic would be good I think. Do you know if all three will tell the same story or do you need to play the game and read the other two versions to get the full story? I may need to go buy a PS3 or something...
Hmm, I musta missed the tie-in. Either its because I've only read the first Legacy TPB and its from a later part, or it went over my head (which is always possible :lol) or maybe I just forgot (also possible).

I agree that The Force Unleashed is a lackluster name. It is great for the game, but a different title for the book and comic would be good I think. Do you know if all three will tell the same story or do you need to play the game and read the other two versions to get the full story? I may need to go buy a PS3 or something...

Well "white eyes" is rumored to be part of krayt's sith legion. so they can tie it in there. in book 8, weren't supposed to learn a little more about them. I don't know if the graphic novel/novel are supplementary to the game. They probably are though
Loving every bit of the series, some good writing and a plot that isn't too contrived. Still need to get Sacrifice and the titles after, but since getting laid off work I haven't the funds to pick up the books, let alone any other SW goodies :(
I, for one, am endlessly pleased they decided to bring back Lumiya instead of using a generic female darksider. Not because I read the original comic books, but as a former SW RPG gamer, it's nice to see a nod to the 'use existing characters instead of creating superfluous new ones' rule :)
What comic series does Lumiya come from, the really old original comics, or Empire or what?

Thanks in advance. :)
I joined the Science Fiction Book Club recently and got almost the entire series except for the last one that hasn't come out yet for like dirt cheap.
Well, just finished Revelation, book #8. Took me a little while longer than I thought it would. I enjoyed the book; enjoyed the mandalorians, BUT there wasn't enough action IMO. Great book, but wanted more fighting. Hopefully the last book INVINCIBLE makes up for that.
Yeah I wanted to read more about Jaina training with Fett. I can't wait to see how this all comes out. And I love how it seems like the authors are giving us several different courses of action so its not predictable.

BTW Have any of y'all read Republic Commando: Odds by Karen Traviss? I loved the little linking between the RC and series and this one.