Think we may be getting one last trailer.
Just a hunch, or...?
Think we may be getting one last trailer.
Just a hunch, or...?
Marketing is in full-swing now. Saw the first trailer for the film on tv last night while watching the NBA playoffs as well as the Snickers commercial during the NHL playoffs last night as well. Magazine covers are now revealing his whole look. So, now, the only thing left is to catch this flick and see the final product. And also see what Sideshow has in store for the Big Guy.
You have a game plan don't you.
Only to take it all in. Lol
Hey MaulFan, what's that from? It doesn't look real in a the people are too calm. But impressive nonetheless.
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H O L Y S H I T :eek
Some sort of new video is coming.
Looks like it's interview(s).
Sombody said linkin park is doing a song for this movie?