Legends of Wrestlemania.

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Hogan looks like Stretch Armstrong.

Regarding the Hart match, I was just reading in Hart's bio that that was the first time Austin ever "juiced" in his career, and so Bret actually bladed him to make sure that he did it right. I really miss the Hitman. Austin, too.
I am definitely picking this up now.

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I am definitely picking this up now.

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Little late...I posted that 6 days ago from IGN, look back 5-6 posts! :lol
for what it worth ign gave it 6.5/10

IMO game review don't matter they're just a guide, if your a fan then you'll like it more than them
Played it all night and I'd give it a 7/10. It's fun, seeing the old video brings back so many memories. Playing with these legends is fun and creating them as well.

I do wish it was a simulation like the Smackdown/Raw games instead of the arcade gamestyle. Your opponent gets up to quick even after a beat down.
I don't care about reviews, I spent about 6 hours on it last night.

Between trying to get the relive matches finished with Gold Metals (damn you and your small package roll up pin, HBK!) and messing around with the CAL/Legend Killer mode with a Paul Orendorff CAL I tried to make, I had a blast! I still have a lot of tweaking to do on him with moves and the way he looks but I wanted to start with someone pretty basic to get used to all the options.
....may have to get this so I can lay down a beating to some certian freaks...cool:

Fear The Spear
