Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009
Thanks Mando. I hope so.
I do have a question, and I guess its personal HAHA.
When you work on something like say the Ledgers. Do you do ALL of the ones you have to do at once or no? Just kinda curious as to how you handle all of this work? Your amazing.
Yes. It helps to be in a certain head frame of mind for me when I have so many to do. I have over 40 Ledger Jokers to do. Yes, that many. But, good thing is, there are several variants within that group, four primarily, so it breaks down to fewer sets of ten of this, five of this, etc., in some ways. I can group and work on each group differently, and not just do 40 of the exact same thing. Much more fun and with a better results also. If I get tired of one for a while, I can change out.
The Bales have some minor variances also, so they are cool too. There are about 15 of them. Again, they will come before the Jokers.
The rest are mostly singles, with about 7 Superman heads (some with full out body customs, those are awaiting new capes guys! ), 4 or so SS Anakins, a couple of LOTR guys, three Legolas and three Faramirs and a Boromir and Gandalf or two. Some full out Aragorns yet to come, and about four Nicholson Jokers I am working on. Redoing one for Eigthsamurai,

o sorry about that one buddy, one got lost in the fray...that is the holdup on your heads being shipped over there already!)
and a couple of Rod Serlings, a FEW more Beihns that were more of a Reese variety than Hicks, almost done there, and some James Bonds, including an entire set of the guys for one fella....
A full out wrapped 1932 style Mummy with some new paint ideas, A James Bond Jaws, and Ivan Drago, and some special redos for Ironman1188, the eternally patient one, as well as Gruff's (Vavavoom on Halle Berry!)and DrJedi Sith's plentiful sets. And some of Damian's still left to do (One box due for your way soon D! About half of your's have been done!

Oh, and some Susala Ducards, and some SSC Indys
and some surprises! There is some odd stuff in there. Too many to remember all. I am remaking another full Spy smasher for a guy too. Finding all that stuff is hard! I found it all the first time, for Bob Burns so fast. Harder to come by this go round, but getting there.
Hoping to get done with most all this by month's end. I will ship a bunch out Wednesday to at least stick to my original, hoped for schedule. At least the rest of you will get stuff in the next weeks, all by Mid May. (My dad is having prostate surgery in mid/late May, so ALL this has to be gone by then, no matter what!)
See why many pics are to come! LOTS of stuff almost finished. Too much.
Then....when I am caught up....some new stuff! NEW...STUFF! You'll see!
Anyway, back to it. Takes time to post and answer emails, and photo and post those too.
But they are coming!
Oh, upgrading my old site too, so look for some new banners by Maulfan, and some new pages, a James Bond page, and a Nolan Batman one, to show ALL the new guys I have in prog there also.
Back to the bench!
There is May June and July work coming too. Didn't mean to not mention those. A Rambo statue repaint, a Maximus statue kit, full custom figures and more. LOTS more.
Fewer headpaints though. I will be cutting back severely on those due to time constraints with already forming projects. I will do some,
when I can, but nowhere near the number I have done in past. Those days of me repainting the new Sideshow heads or whatever company, are practically over. It will be a very selective service for me from June onward. Besides, have you seen these new HT heads? Not much work needed anyway. But I will do some limited heads from time to time.
It's time to put the Figure back in Figuremaster. Not that I go by that name much anymore.