Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009
See,l Les' stuff is well worth the wait !
I sure hope so. Thanks.
Mooncat! The Sheppard looks GREAT! Yeah, the narrow shoulder body will do wonders for him. Ada. You know, sometimes, you gotta work with what the scale is....
Amarcord, email and post received.
Also shipped a couple of other things out, what I could afford.
Which brings me to, my sale.
I must sell some stuff soon. No shipping money available at present, so I will post a few items in the sales thread soon. For one, I am selling my HT Chopper Predator for sure, to anyone interested, so email me if you are. He may or may not be listed in my sale here, as the price is not fixed at this point, and I would rather sell him to someone who REALLY, REALLY wants him. He is completely repainted head to toe, even the helm and skulls. He can ship US for free. If the box is included...more.
More sale info as soon as I can sit down and list them. Too much to do it in a hurry.
Heads are progressing, I am on as much as I can be
every day. Regarding some of the latest to be cast heads, please note that we down here in the South are getting nearly 1 to 2 inches of rain a day, and the humidity has affected some casting attempts. So I ordered more casting material, which JUST came in today, and will wait for a dryer day to cast up the Clark Kents and the remaining Jokers (there are 46 in all, and some are started, and some are just base coated...was waiting for the new material to cast the rest...).
All else are in progress. Bales are
all started, but not all finished, but well underway. Most of the other "loose" heads are nearly done. Eyes. LOTS of eyes to paint. Close on many.
Some Indy stuff coming also. PF folks, hang on, those are going well also. LOTR guys, soon! Most are done. Faramir's (in progress) remain. (I know Josh, I know! Almost there, buddy!)
Doc, your's and a few other's sets almost done. Bonds started. (thinking...lots to remember...) Superman's still awaiting some parts, but further along.
Can't do individual updates like I want to, due to quantity, but I assure you they are coming. Thanks for the patience everyone. It's been busy here. Won't get into it anymore, as I am sure most of you know my situation, but there have been off and on "events" so I have had a couple of tough weeks. But,
PROGRESS! Shipping to come!
Sale, then shipping! Mass shippings!
Out tomorrow to take my Dad to Savannah, and then Monday may have either some finished guys to post or mail. I am mailing more than stopping to shoot stuff, so if you get your's before I have announced it, SURPRISE! I figure,
post or
post (as in post office) so I assume most of you just want the stuff over updates. When things settle down more, I may can do more preshipping updates. Til then, I need my bed back!
Pics when I can. Too much to do! Staying on it.
Thanks and til next post
...please post your's if you get it first! Thanks again Mooncat and any of the rest of you that are posting your in-hand items.
(And would someone please turn of the damned rain! Enough already!)