If the prices mentioned were from $250-$450, and the characters mentioned included hobbits, then I would think it's safe to assume that the hobbits would have to be at the lower end of the price range, at the $250 mark. Smaller size, no armor (if in the fellowship clothes), etc. If that is the case, then I would not expect to see Aragorn, a bigger statue with more complex clothing and multiple weapons, to also come in at $250. Anybody expecting to pay the same for Aragorn as for a hobbit is being a little too optimistic. Also, a $250 hobbit would be a risky way to start the line--too many people wondering if it's really worth it for something of that size. They will start us with a bigger and more complex figure like Lurtz or Legolas to get us hooked, then add in the hobbits when we have already become completists. Or at least, that's what I would do in their place.