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Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Awesome pic, EVILFACE! I love the desert of the American Southwest! :rock

That pic/pose reminds me a little of mine from Death Valley:


(BTW, Bonus geek points to anyone who can recognize that spot).

Is that from Conan? :p

STAR WARS!!!! The path R2 is traveling down when he is ambushed by jawas.
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

STAR WARS!!!! The path R2 is traveling down when he is ambushed by jawas.
Yep, that be the place. A geek cookie to you!

Went there for a book about SW Shooting Locations in the USA, which has been done for two years now but the publisher is STILL dragging their feet! :banghead
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

EF, that's awesome. I wanted to stop by there, but didn't have enough time. I visited the petrified forest with my family when I was eleven, but I only have vague memories. I did get a chance to check out the Meteor Crater again though, which is always cool.

Irish, do you have any more pics of that place? The last time I was in Death Valley, I was ten years old. I am definitely interested in your upcoming book!

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Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Irish, do you have any more pics of that place? The last time I was in Death Valley, I was ten years old. I am definitely interested in your upcoming book!
Oh, I have TONS. All 7-8 SW locations there, plus many more cool locales (including Ubehebe Crater, which looks A LOT like the one you're posing with in your pic... though it was created from a volcanic eruption, not a meteor).

I'll dig up some more pics and share 'em on here. :rock
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Party with some people from work last winter....We were drunk as SH!!T of course...








