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Remember Kurgans... In the end, there can be only one.

(a couple of years ago at my cousin's wedding--in Scotland although the snow would make you think that it was in Canada--and that's not my tartan... my kilt was back home and it's a rental:monkey2).

Hey, we all know it's easier for you to chase the sheep with your kilt up then your pants down.
Hey, we all know it's easier for you to chase the sheep with your kilt up then your pants down.

They say the best joke is the oldest joke--- but that one's so old it's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa d.:naughty
To answer that question-- I'm a TRUE Scotsman.:naughty
And kilts are suprisingly warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The magic of the kilt.:D

I think this pictures sums that up for me...

Hey Spyda.... ummmm most of us are males here. Some of us choose to wear dresses on purpose *reference above post by Darth Neil* So what I guess I am trying to say is... get a shirt dude. :lol

:lol...:google Nope.

My kilt (which is not the one I wear in the aforementioned picture-- my kilt is my family's tartan and I did wear it for my wedding...besides many many many other times) is one that was made in Scotland. Everything in fact was-- even the knited socks.. Nothing tougher than a bloke in knited socks.:banana
By the way, I'm ten feet tall.:horror

Don't forget the bolts of lightning,impressive.

If only i'd known that when WW screams "but they'll never take our freedom"
he was indeed talking about the right not to wear any apparel under their kilts,man those english were indeed harsh bringing in that law.:D

Awesome movie Braveheart one of my fav's.:cool:
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