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There are a few different things that can happen.

Two that I have seen are:

1) Bells Palsy - This is a paralizing of one side of the face due to dental-type inflamation affecting facial nerves.

2) Abscessed tooth - Infection can enter the bolod stream and may, possibly, cause major problems in the entire body including brain damage and death.

My dad's eyes were never the same. After a few years he had to give up his watch making/repair business because he just couldn't see the tiny parts anymore. I'm sure he had bad infection because all his roots were basically gone. It just seems so strange for it to happen from the inside with no visable signs outside. Just goes to show you that you never know what can happen.

My brother had Bells Palsy for awhile. Half his face looked like Stallone's.

No but for realz..that sux!

Just thought I'd share. :lol:lol
This pic makes.....

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Pretty much what I was going for there, Dannie :lol:lol:lol