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I am a hardcore fan. :(

Then what episode is it? :lol :D

It's episode 7 or 8 if I'm not mistaken... At least very early in S1.

It's where Jack just has found the caves and the some section collapses. Charlie is in there with him and he sees a moth which leads him to an exit.

Greg Grunberg is only in the pilot like Maglor says.

He get's pulled out of the broken cockpit by the monster, and is later found dead in a tree
I so need a blu-ray player... Going to get a Playstation 3, eventually...

2 nights ago I was dreaming about Lost. I'm going through withdrawals.
Look what the UPS guy just dropped off 5 minutes ago:

Awesome pics, rackemup!

Thanks a lot! :wave

Was that Joker hand bought or made? Never seen that before.

So wait... the last two aren't photoshoped? How do you know the Heroes guy?

I would also like to know more about the Joker hand. :)

DUDE!!! Your buddy Greg is GREG GRUNBERG?!?!?!?!?
That is awesome!!! Tell him I will always remember him as Captain Seth Norris from LOST. :lol

Thanks you guys! The Joker hand was bought and came with the limited edition Fossil Joker watch a couple years ago. Fossil came out with a few different Batman watches and the Joker watch was a must have for me. Im a huge Batman and Joker fan since childhood :D

And no photoshop in those photos lol I have known Greg for a good amount of years now. When I went with him to the shoot I couldnt resist getting a Classic Heroes pose with him for kicks. :lol :yess: UToyfan Ill let him know you liked him as the Captain. :D

Thanks for the comments. Im always nervous to post a pic and pray i dont look to goofy...or at least more goofy in em :wink1: :rotfl
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Rackemup: How do you know Greg? Did you meet before his TV fame?

I've known Greg just as Heroes was first going on the air. He loves music and is an awesome drummer and was creating a band "band from tv" I work in music and met him through that. He's an all around great guy. hope that answers your question Maglor :)
I've known Greg just as Heroes was first going on the air. He loves music and is an awesome drummer and was creating a band "band from tv" I work in music and met him through that. He's an all around great guy. hope that answers your question Maglor :)

U don't know Greg, I don't believe you. You are some master PS guru that we must all :bow down to. :lecture

Have him call me, right now :tap

Whose Greg btw? :D

Just joshing, great pics :rock