Lets See YOU!!...........

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Deckard we need the before and the after photos.

Exactly! Is that really not an old photo??

Well I only have photos of my face more or less if you scroll back you can see how fat my cheeks and chin were compared to now. But to give you an idea these fit me tightly a month ago. Now if I don't synch my belt all the way they fall off as if I were a child wearing my dad's pants.


I need an entirely new wardrobe.
:duff Thanks, it feels really good.

Just alot of toning to do now, joining a gym next week so I can use their equipment, all I have is a set of 10 pound weights and a resistance band.
I spy with my BIG eye.....


Pixy! Good to finally "see" you. :wave

Allison - looking good. We 40 somethings are in the prime of our lives. :lol
Hard to believe but I've dropped 35 pounds in the last 40 days. Got this spiffy new shirt today too.


Deckard - congrats on the weight loss man. :clap It's amazing how much more energy you have when eating right and exercising. Keep it up! Maybe try a crossfit class? Crossfit is my new addiction. :lol
Good thread! Always good to put faces to names!

This is me in Islands of Adventure in Orlando, FL in 2010...


I'll try and get a more recent picture soon!