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Great to see you!

What the ****. When did you build a Pescadero Elevator diorama?

You didn't know I had that?

I bought that off Vialli some months ago and I built most of the elevator section myself because there was only a small door section on it originally.

I was posting that in the MMS117 thread. I'll dig up the pages with the pics.
You didn't know I had that?

I bought that off Vialli some months ago and I built most of the elevator section myself because there was only a small door section on it originally.

I was posting that in the MMS117 thread. I'll dig up the pages with the pics.

No, I had no idea. I thought you just put your figures on your rug. Those look like awesome set ups.
No, I had no idea. I thought you just put your figures on your rug. Those look like awesome set ups.

Visitor Messaged you the links to the pics.

Its the only reasonably well displayed thing I have. Everything else is on an ill-suited, cramped bookshelves.

Actually its on the Tumbler box which has a drape thingy over it..
Thanks Remy

Yw buddy. :1-1:

Fernando Depp :panic:

Good to see ya!

Love 'Wicked Game', we've covered it a few times. If you're ever in London, we could jam. :rock


Heck yeah man!!! :rock
I am trying to plan to hopefully finally get to see Europe next year, and if I can, most definitely give ya a buzz buddy.
It's one of my favorite song ever and I get asked all the time to sing it.
That is kick ass that you play guitar man.
I have a schecter guitar that I can play a couple of songs with power chords, but for the most part, I suck so I stick to singing. Ha ha.
Yw buddy. :1-1:

Heck yeah man!!! :rock
I am trying to plan to hopefully finally get to see Europe next year, and if I can, most definitely give ya a buzz buddy.
It's one of my favorite song ever and I get asked all the time to sing it.
That is kick ass that you play guitar man.
I have a schecter guitar that I can play a couple of songs with power chords, but for the most part, I suck so I stick to singing. Ha ha.

Awesome, yeah definitely get in touch if you manage to plan that!

Yeah, i'm the other way around - only good for some backing vocals, but I play guitar religiously haha
O cool, yeah, I do see a little Olmos in that pic. :)
Have you posted your pic yet Jye?

Oh, I dont do Journey unless I'm drunk Ween, lol.
The two songs I posted were by Chris Isaak, and Coldplay.
Journey is one I wont touch. It is out of my range but I'm a big Journey fan.
I usually love to sing lots of alternative rock also, Pearl Jam, Bush, 311, Weezer, Depeche Mode, etc.

Oh, I knew those weren't Journey, I was just saying what I usually do. Pearl Jam is a good one too.

Got any youtube vids of you karaokeing.......karaoking.....singing? :D
Awesome, yeah definitely get in touch if you manage to plan that!

Yeah, i'm the other way around - only good for some backing vocals, but I play guitar religiously haha

It's an impressive talent man, I admire people that can play guitar. When I first picked it up, I thought it was easy but it takes lots of coordination, and pretty much natural talent to be able to play.
It's an instrument that not everyone can just master so I tip my hat to ya bud. :bow

Oh, I knew those weren't Journey, I was just saying what I usually do. Pearl Jam is a good one too.

Got any youtube vids of you karaokeing.......karaoking.....singing? :D

I wish I did, my friend did taped a gig when we were in a band but we lost contact when he moved to another state and that was a while back.
I was thinking of also recording some tunes a couple of years ago when I thought about joining a band again but I just don't have the time anymore.
So Now I just get my kicks at karaoke. :)