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I joined this forum when he was born, here he is today.


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Nice picture, Allison, I like your style. Hope your business picks up! :duff
Always a Pleasure Amy and you have a cute Laugh :wave

:lol Thanks!

Nice picture, Allison, I like your style. Hope your business picks up! :duff

Looking great as always Alli. Hope the business works out. It is stressful but still wonderful to work for yourself.

Thank you! I am thinking about signing the lease for another year. :panic: Not many people get the opportunity to do what I'm doing, and I should try harder to make the most of it.
:lol Thanks!

Thank you! I am thinking about signing the lease for another year. :panic: Not many people get the opportunity to do what I'm doing, and I should try harder to make the most of it.

Are you enjoying it? Is it something you will look back on and say, "I'm glad I did it."

By the way, you guys aren't anywhere near that mudslide are you?
Are you enjoying it? Is it something you will look back on and say, "I'm glad I did it."

By the way, you guys aren't anywhere near that mudslide are you?

Whatever happens, I know that I am very satisfied that I gave it a shot.

That mudslide was very tragic. I am about 80 miles north of there. I don't think I know of anyone who was in the area at the time.

You can do it. I know you can !

Thanks, J!!!:ccheerlea

Aawww noooo, KEEP OPEN!

My girl’s b-day is coming up so I'm ready to get our little project wrapped up. Let's put the finishing touches on it this week :)

Sounds good! I ordered that additional thing we last spoke about; it should get here pretty soon.

:lol Thanks!

Thank you! I am thinking about signing the lease for another year. :panic: Not many people get the opportunity to do what I'm doing, and I should try harder to make the most of it.

You runz a jewelryz buzinezz and youz no offerz 1/6 stuffz... Boozzz!!! :lol
Whatever happens, I know that I am very satisfied that I gave it a shot.

That mudslide was very tragic. I am about 80 miles north of there. I don't think I know of anyone who was in the area at the time.

It was very tragic and I'm glad to hear you guys weren't effected. By the way your store is beautiful. Very elegant.

My lil ninja, a brown belt at 9 years old and it's well deserved.

Me and the kidlet, Ian McDiarmid photo op and I photo shopped it up a bit :)

GSP at his gym in Montreal, no I'm not gay.

The Axe Murderer Wanderlei Silva, got to party with him a few times now and used to sponsor some of his fighters.