How some “members” around here see ToTs dolls
How some “members” around here see ToTs dolls
Spoken by a Troll that doesn't know what he's talking about.
A very very bad one.
Imagine coming home and seeing that in your bed room when you left them in the box.More pics
More pics
If you’re gonna sell it soon then don’t open it. These aren’t collectible rare items they’re mass produced. They are also not hand made and not that amazing quality. If you think people are gonna pay $2000-3000 for it a few years from now you’re massively mistaken
I’m not sharing it with you racoo.
On facebook someone posted they received a signed autograph even though they didnt pay the $200 extra. Doll 2 out of 50.
On facebook someone posted they received a signed autograph even though they didnt pay the $200 extra. Doll 2 out of 50.
which FB group?
I already have the sound files.
Dude go and troll some place else, btw i just sent the sounds to someone. and that someone is deffo not you lol.
When someone of little or no intelligence on the internet gets into a discussion, debate, or argument that they cannot keep up with because of their inability to think and process information outside of their closed little mind, and respond by calling the other person more intelligent than them (A TROLL)! This act is therefore TROLLING because it's a cop out to an intelligent conversation by which the one more intelligent is falsely accused of being a troll as a trolling diversion tactic of the Reverse Trolling