WOW that TOTS Tiff looks pretty bad. NECA really threw these guys for a loop. If they think dolls like this and Glen are gonna win the 1:1 Evil Chucky Doll war VS NECA they are horribly mistaken.
The tots president. I think he left. All that neca comparisons made his blood boil. Dude was def losing sleep over neca releasing these dolls. He should of went with bride dolls. No one likes seed.
That's so sad. It really gets to him. I would see him just commenting on everyone, the same damn thing too.
Someone even says "Ooh they look cool!" and he immediately "ITS A MOODY PUDDING $3K DOLL, MINE USED SCREEN-USED MOLDS!"
Right. lol every freakin time.
What's funny is he's the president of the company to. Everytime someone says they prefer Neca the dude flips the hell out. Who cares if the doll uses screen used molds nobody wants Seen. That's the point everyone is trying to make. People want bride
NECA still has to prove that they can deliver the doll they showed. It's TOTS for me until then.
Meh. I?m not paying 600 for a seed doll. If the bride doll doesn?t deliver I just won?t buy it but I?m def not buying a seed doll. Movie sucks.
Don't they basically look the same?