Lightening Strike...

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Torturer of OCD
CF Supporter
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
City of Angels
So we had 77 lightening strikes in Santa Monica tonight. Crazy rain. I go outside to take some 30 second movies with my camera of the lightening because it was going off so frequently. I caught a few "glows" in the sky. On my last take, get this, just as I was scanning the sky from my deck -- BAM -- lightening hits, perfect frame -- you can actually see the strike on a telephone pole that's about 300 feet away from me. I couldn't have positioned the camera better if I tried. I was so excited that I had to share it.

Here's the one frame that shows the strike:


It's looks like daylight but this was about 11pm. The actual movie is pretty crazy, plus the CRACK of thunder that followed. I wish I could post the AVI movie.

I mean, what are the chances that I have the camera in position for a few seconds and a strike hits that close???
Sweet! I only heard one thunder strike here.:monkey2 I grew up with thunder and lightning (and blizzards and tornados) so I loved the activity earlier today. 84 and sunny everyday gets old...
any of you guys been to the tampa area? lightning capital of the world. i've never seen so many electronics bite the dust than this place. it can get downright scary! :google power fluxes are common and best buy is the richest business on the gulf coast.
Very cool!

I allmost got struck by the lightning the other day :s Was walking my dogs in the rain when it hit about 3 meters to the left of me..

Was scared as hell!!
I read the thread title and had to run check my "operation" out back here in the mountains. :D Whew, that was a scary moment. :D
Was that Friday night? Wow it barely even rained at my house. Thats crazy how different the weather was there vs where I live.
maybe a couple of terminators came across the timeline. damn temporal displacement. that would cause me to poop in the house, and not in the porecelin receptacle either! :google