The Incredible Hulk 7/10
******* this is underrated [emoji1787]
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Yes it is.
The Incredible Hulk 7/10
******* this is underrated [emoji1787]
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I’m in shock pretty much. I’m thinking 8/10. It’s probably in my top few. The whole thing really grabbed me. Kind of horrible he has been relegated to a side character. Remember HULK being an event movie ?
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I revisited TIH again in the past year and was also pleasantly surprised at how well it held up. One thing that really stuck out was how much better the 35mm cinematography was compared to all the digitally shot MCU films from 2012 and later.
I've seen TIH twice and as much as I like the university battle scene, for me it all goes downhill when we get to the third act which was just horribly rushed and did not flow with the rest of the movie IMO. It pretty much destroyed the entire movie for me.
However I did warm to the first Ant-Man a lot with repeat viewings and remember really enjoying it the last time I watched it.
The fight with abomination is solid overall also imo and one of the more interesting one one one battles in the MCU
What the hell Chakor? Why you gotta bring me down?![]()
Plus it was cool to see the street level mayhem with the military freaking out against the Abomination. We don't get to see a lot of moments like that in the MCU.
I love the incredible hulk movie. Was really cool to see the gray hulk in the cave during the lightning storm. Plus to me that Hulk looked the meanest and the thunderclap is a signature move.
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade. TIH is a movie that I wanted to like given how much I love the rest of MCU Phase One (minus IM2 which I enjoy even though it doesn't even deserve to be compared to IM1, Thor 1, Cap 1, or A1), but the third act is just something I was never able to get past. Maybe a third time viewing will be the charm.
What a review!:
You know I like all three Cap films for different reasons and tend to just say that my favorite is whichever one I'm watching at the moment (yes including TFA.) I just love that all three are so solid. And I know you don't consider TFA/TWS/CW to be a true "trilogy" since they are intertwined with the other MCU films but after CW hit blu-ray I did binge them all back to back over the course of a week and found that to me they did have a very satisfying self-contained narrative.
"I can do this all day" spoken as both skinny Steve in the alley and then finally against the great Iron Man himself. Dr. Erskine pointing to Steve's chest as he died as if to say "the hero is in here, nowhere else" before Cap gets his indestructible shield and then at the beginning of TWS questioning with Batroc whether he really needs it. Finally CW has him reach a point where he discards it, the last symbolic "crutch" from his garbage lid alley days, and sets off for once without it.
Really cool stuff.
And the opening of CW against Crossbones and his gang might be my favorite action in the entire MCU.
Captain America First avenger
6/10 , not as bad as I remember. Cool style and ww2 vibe. Unfortunately the action is boring and the overall movie has no suspense or any depth.
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