Lim Toys - 1/6 The Gunslinger (Outlaws of The West)

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You're well past the protection period on PayPal, unfortunately. You can try it, but they're just going to tell you there's nothing they can do.
You're right honestly, I already tried once, I was thinking about trying to fight it and say hes been none compliant and ignoring my emails since telling me that they can give instore credit. Its already almost been a month since they told me that. I guess I'll just wait and see what happens.
I've been seeing some rumors circulating that the second batch is cancelled or delayed to the end of the year, just want to say it's all bullcrap probably being spread by people who don't like us because of the delays, not to worry tho, the second batch began being produced at the end of last year and should be releasing soon, journals and instructions are finished printing and we're gonna try making sure QC is better than the first batch regarding pieces getting loose inside the box, so that's thousands of figures produced in half a year with factories constantly shutting down, pretty much how it would've gone for the prototype if we didn't turn it into a completely different figure and factories weren't shut down for months on end.
I've been seeing some rumors circulating that the second batch is cancelled or delayed to the end of the year, just want to say it's all bullcrap probably being spread by people who don't like us because of the delays, not to worry tho, the second batch began being produced at the end of last year and should be releasing soon, journals and instructions are finished printing and we're gonna try making sure QC is better than the first batch regarding pieces getting loose inside the box, so that's thousands of figures produced in half a year with factories constantly shutting down, pretty much how it would've gone for the prototype if we didn't turn it into a completely different figure and factories weren't shut down for months on end.
Don't worry man, you don't have to prove anything to us on this board. I don't think there's anyone on here who takes an issue with the timeline of delivery. I think the only genuinely upset people on here are the ones that got screwed over by some of the vendors like TO. The rest of our are patiently waiting and know how it is in the world right now.
Quality final product is always better than a quickly delivered product. Years from now, we’ll forget about shipping delays but continue to admire a well made figure. Sure, nobody is happy with delays but they are just unavoidable these days for countless reasons.

I’ve learned long ago to not get caught up in release dates because they’re rarely correct anymore. With Hot Toys, they’re either way early on something or way late on something. Nothing seems to ship ‘right on time’ anymore.

I’ve stated to think of figures like wizards. They are never late, nor are they early. The arrive precisely when they mean to :lol
I'm moving at the end of the month so I'm happy if kit doesn't send it before then. I've had things lost in the mail between two addresses before
I'm moving at the end of the month so I'm happy if kit doesn't send it before then. I've had things lost in the mail between two addresses before
I also have my house listed for sale with an open house today actually. I’m right in your boat. I still have some time but hoping these are released soon to avoid a potential headache.
Hey RRX! I'm so lucky to find this place and I just made an account to thank you for making this figure possible for the second batch! It's my first 1/6 scale figure ever, I've always loved figures but couldn't afford them but this one being my favorite character of all time I couldn't say no. I just go the mid beard head sculpt and I'm just simply blown away I can't believe what you guys have done. From the bottom of my heart thanks! This is really awesome and I think its so COOL you guys actually talk with us the customers! THANK YOU!
Howdy fellows! I found this thread a few days back and have been reading it since. I found out I needed badly in my life something I wasnt even aware existed! While late to the party I preordered one from the belgian site La Cité des Nuages (I'm from France). It is reliable as far as in stock products goes. But regarding this one and the Toy Origin debacle, I am not sure if they are really in touch with Lim. Can someone confirm this? I see that Onesixthinch still have it in preorder. So... Should I secure myself or not, that's the question ;)
Have a nice day everyone!
Howdy fellows! I found this thread a few days back and have been reading it since. I found out I needed badly in my life something I wasnt even aware existed! While late to the party I preordered one from the belgian site La Cité des Nuages (I'm from France). It is reliable as far as in stock products goes. But regarding this one and the Toy Origin debacle, I am not sure if they are really in touch with Lim. Can someone confirm this? I see that Onesixthinch still have it in preorder. So... Should I secure myself or not, that's the question ;)
Have a nice day everyone!
If you're a fan of the series and a collector, then the only thing you'll regret is Not getting it while you could!
If he's still on the site for preorder, then you might want to grab one while you can. (y)
Thanks for the reply. :)
I already preordered one, but wanted to be sure that my online store (La Cité des nuages) was really on the line to have in the end.
I might buy a second one from onsesixthinch, but it's expensive and if I really get my first order, I will have to sell one of them. And I don't sell stuff...
Thanks for the reply. :)
I already preordered one, but wanted to be sure that my online store (La Cité des nuages) was really on the line to have in the end.
I might buy a second one from onsesixthinch, but it's expensive and if I really get my first order, I will have to sell one of them. And I don't sell stuff...
I got mine off of LCDN and I can confirm they’ll get it to you! Ordered mine there back in 2019 mind you, but I’m sure they can be relied upon to come through with the second batch as well! 🤘
That's what I wanted to hear, mighty thanks! The LCDN price is almost 70€ pricier compared to onesixthinch, but I guess import taxes are covered, so I'll stick to it 😇
The fact that Toy Origin can just steal people’s money and get away with it is disturbing.

They only got a deposit from me, but I feel for those who paid in full.

I’d recommend contacting the Better Business Bureau, not sure what they can do, but it’s worth a shot.
I did contact the BBB but Toy Origin never responded to them. The way I see it is this community is small / tight-knit and word will get around. Eventually no one will buy from them.
I ordered and stupidly paid in full with Toy origin who have not responded at all . BBB did nothing, has been way too long to raise a payment dispute. Really disappointed. As I am in Aus the exchange rate isnt great. I have an order now from Kit but will probably by my only 1/6 purchase due to the cost and stress. For those of you that do this regularly I have heaps of respect.

Im probably lying as I will def buy John lol