Lim Toys - 1/6 The Gunslinger (Outlaws of The West)

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Got mine in yesterday, this is really such a stunning figure in person. Really impressed with what LIM Toys was able to accomplish, and really excited for what they'll be producing next. This company singlehandedly got me off the Hot Toys train, and I'm grateful for it.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to set my figure up for a bit. I sold my house at the beginning of September and my wife and I moved into my parents place while we look for a new house (real estate market is still nuts), so all of my figures are boxed up. But, this will be one of the first I get set up once I'm set again.

Hope everyone receiving the figure is enjoying theirs!
Aaah I’m so jealous. Mine’s still happily rotting away in China… Hope you enjoy him further!
Anyone have a comparison out there of version 1 to the re-release? I’m anxious to know because I have a 1st issue but have 2 more 2nd release coming from Kit. BTW anyone know when the sick version of Arthur’s head to be released?
Anyone have a comparison out there of version 1 to the re-release? I’m anxious to know because I have a 1st issue but have 2 more 2nd release coming from Kit. BTW anyone know when the sick version of Arthur’s head to be released?

There isn't supposed to be any difference between the two figures.

I've just opened mine, and I think the difference is how the accessories have been packaged. I can't recall if any of these things were present in the original release, but there is a block of foam to hold the boots in place, there is tape holding the badge in place. I do remember that these accessories were loose and flopping around in the original release I had. So on my cursory first glance, it would appear this new batch fixed those packaging problems.

I can report that my original gripes about the figure body still hold true. It is my personal opinion that shoulders are too broad and the joints are too tight, but again, just my opinion, and I understand and accept why it is the way it is. So, from that aspect, there are no differences from the first batch, as far as the figure itself is concerned, for better or worse. This time it particularly bugs me because his arms are turned backwards so it's going to take some effort to get them turned properly, with how tight the sleeves are.

However, there does appear to be more effort put into making sure the accessories stay safe, so that is a positive change. I'm going to be extra careful with the spurs and firearms, since I understand they are very fragile.
Today, october 6th 2022, the mario movie trailer was released, and i received my morgan this morning, i layed down some marble textured sheets over my table.
I immediately lost the Winchester side plate, and had to search for it for an hour, after finding that i broke the backstrap of the satchel and ran out and got a little bit of superglue.
also this mf is buff, his shirt flew open while i was trying put on his own jacket, maybe need to give my john some vitamin's or something.
my only mistake was not to get two, but just the one has more meaning.

these 4 years i would say flew by, but a lot of things happened.
to be honest guys, early 2020 my alcohol problem was through the roof, jack daniels, room temputure every hour, i didn’t think i had the time left to see him in person.
family saved my life, be loyal to what matters.
the perfect cattlemen gloves are now on my john and he is also complete.
the dreams i had of holding him in my hands these years, are nothing compared to the 1.5 pound behemoth this figure is.
thank you all.
also nice arthur nipples lol
There isn't supposed to be any difference between the two figures.

I've just opened mine, and I think the difference is how the accessories have been packaged. I can't recall if any of these things were present in the original release, but there is a block of foam to hold the boots in place, there is tape holding the badge in place. I do remember that these accessories were loose and flopping around in the original release I had. So on my cursory first glance, it would appear this new batch fixed those packaging problems.

I can report that my original gripes about the figure body still hold true. It is my personal opinion that shoulders are too broad and the joints are too tight, but again, just my opinion, and I understand and accept why it is the way it is. So, from that aspect, there are no differences from the first batch, as far as the figure itself is concerned, for better or worse. This time it particularly bugs me because his arms are turned backwards so it's going to take some effort to get them turned properly, with how tight the sleeves are.

However, there does appear to be more effort put into making sure the accessories stay safe, so that is a positive change. I'm going to be extra careful with the spurs and firearms, since I understand they are very fragile.
The shirt is tight although is designed to fit slightly open. Some weight to the figure body and feels solid. So many accessories, I read a comment that there are too many, in reality that may be true. Shells needed for belts and more arrows for planned quiver. In conclusion Lim Toys have delivered an exceptional figure, legions have the thirst for more from this Company.
The Lim Toys arrows are as with most 1.6 parts are expensive when you need at least 6, however there are alternatives out there. Presently placing bullets in rig belt to complete tgd look.
Personally I found the bullets that came with Arthur a bit too big, I used some from Battle Gear Toys that are smaller and love it. They've got Winchester, Krag-Jorgensen, Shotgun, Colt, lots of different ammunition types.
Personally I found the bullets that came with Arthur a bit too big, I used some from Battle Gear Toys that are smaller and love it. They've got Winchester, Krag-Jorgensen, Shotgun, Colt, lots of different ammunition types.
Hi, Great look for your figure. The few cartridges with the figure are I believe for the Winchester. I have the Battlegear revolver shells but slightly on the small side may have to secure with adhesive. I plan to use Battlegear shotgun cartridges for the body belt and a larger dd shotgun. All good fun creating your own look.
The one difference on the second one that I’ve seen so far is the brown jacket isn’t as tight as my version 1, making it easier to pose him. I took the original jacket off my version 1, with no intention (or hope) of ever getting that thing back on.
Mine just arrived!
Same here!

Man, Kit has become an expert in packing their shipments now. Everything was tight and neat.

I would say I had zero issues with this figure this time around. Last time I had issues with the revolvers and everything in the trays were loose. The Lim team added thin sheets to the trays to help keep everything in place.