Lim Toys - 1/6 The Gunslinger (Outlaws of The West)

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I hope R_R_X doesn't get discouraged from this and starts making lower quality stuff. The Arthur looks amazing and I wouldn't want Lim to rush on the next one and beyond to put out lower quality figures.
I don't think it will effect him that much but I do think he will keep his messages off until he decides to turn them back on.
I don't think it will effect him that much but I do think he will keep his messages off until he decides to turn them back on.
It's understandable. Imagine getting hateful messages for two years for a product that you're working hard to be the best version as possible. I saw some time ago some pics of the box and dude, it's reaaaally beautiful, and its just the box! I showed to my brother in law and his jaw dropped, the same way it happened during the pre-order time when he say the figure for the first time. I know it's been a while but let's wait a little bit, right? As they already said it's getting closer to release and with every update they've shown we see things are getting better and better. We just have to be a little more patient and be kind, because they are people too. People always forget the last one!
It's understandable. Imagine getting hateful messages for two years for a product that you're working hard to be the best version as possible. I saw some time ago some pics of the box and dude, it's reaaaally beautiful, and its just the box! I showed to my brother in law and his jaw dropped, the same way it happened during the pre-order time when he say the figure for the first time. I know it's been a while but let's wait a little bit, right? As they already said it's getting closer to release and with every update they've shown we see things are getting better and better. We just have to be a little more patient and be kind, because they are people too. People always forget the last one!
Amen 🙏
It's understandable. Imagine getting hateful messages for two years for a product that you're working hard to be the best version as possible. I saw some time ago some pics of the box and dude, it's reaaaally beautiful, and its just the box! I showed to my brother in law and his jaw dropped, the same way it happened during the pre-order time when he say the figure for the first time. I know it's been a while but let's wait a little bit, right? As they already said it's getting closer to release and with every update they've shown we see things are getting better and better. We just have to be a little more patient and be kind, because they are people too. People always forget the last one!
Agreed. I remember when I saw the box I lost it. Lol it was very beautiful and ornate I actually didn't notice the guns on the design legit thought they were stars or something. Definitely the best design I've seen in terms of packaging.
This is not a hobby for the impatient. Even pre-pandemic, the vast majority of 1/6 releases from companies big and small, official and unofficial, never met their initially targeted release date windows. Some by very long margins indeed. And given that such dates are often given as 3 month 'quarters', that indicates how up in the air and easily blown out completion dates can, and usually do, become in this hobby. It's understandable that casuals and new collectors may not fully realise or understand that going in, and may initially look at these dates as a promise rather than an early estimate, but most who stick around will soon learn that such release dates are more a result of hope and 'best guess'-work than any actual science. Those who have been around and who still don't seem to grasp such realities are a bit more puzzling, frankly, but eh, what can you do?

I understand folks getting antsy for figures to release, especially on a system that operates so heavily on pre-orders, and where not pre-ordering and instead waiting for release might mean missing out or paying scalper prices, so we tend to be on the hook for these things for a long old time, but ultimately all these companies want to get these figures out as soon as they can as well, so they can move on to selling and making the next thing. But personally I'd always rather another delay to get things as good as they practically can, rather than getting something a few months sooner but in less quality or with corners clearly cut, as no matter how long they take, most will be on shelves and in collections for a lot longer, and trying to fix any issues ourselves after the fact is a lot more effort and a lot more expensive for most of us than having waited a few extra months would have been.

Delays happen, often lengthy ones, often more than once, they're never fun, and they can certainly be frustrating,especially those that really blow out a long way, but it's just part of the game as far as 1/6 collecting goes. Just gotta ride it out and hope that the figure will be worth the wait when it does finally get here. And with this particular one, confidence in that is pretty high, and the finish line is getting ever closer, so it's all good (hopefully). And then we can start this rollercoaster all over again with the next figure in the line... :lol
Y’know This long waiting journey has been kind of poetic to the game of the highs and lows of Arthur Morgan’s journey, and how every delay and milestone seems like climbing up a lengthy hill in West Elizabeth, if that makes any sense. I’m willing to wait as long as it takes and set my impatience aside for my man Arthur. I don’t know what I really expect when I say the same message (Is iT ouT yEt?) Because I know I’m probably going to get the same response over and over again but I wanna try and at least keep the group forum alive, but back then i should’ve sounded more considerate to the people slaving away to just send it away to some dumb white dude from South Carolina and i just should’ve asked if the production is still running smoothly and ask if everyone over at limtoys if they’re doing alright.
If all else, this really has taught me a lot about the fine art of having patience for collecting that’s for sure. lol
I'm been waiting for those Joel & Ellie flashback figures for ages! Ever since you mentioned them for the first time this month!
Whats taking so long, R_R_X??! LOL jk
But seriously though, after seeing some of Limtoys earlier work, I can def wait for their stuff. I know it'll be worth it.
Also super curious to see how the 1/12 scale Leon turns out. It'll be my first 1/12 scale figure.
Thanks for the support guys, this is probably the most supportive and understanding place when it comes to the figure and I wouldn't say anyone here is toxic, I did get a lot of messages in the past 2 years from people who made new accounts with the sole purpose of demandig updates from me among other nice ones, the bulk of the hate came from facebook, twitter, instagram, and chinese forum groups where we have been accused of being scammers, trash, liars, etc.

I've been messaged on facebook by people I don't even know demanding refunds and so on, most of the frustation comes from the long delays and the fact there's another figure in the market so people think they're missing out on that, I did try explaining the situation to some but of course it's all "excuses" to most people who in all likelyhood aren't that familiar with the hobby.

Also no, I wouldn't say me and the team are dissuaded from delivering quality products, it just sucks being constantly attacked and accused when you're doing everything you can to make the product the best it can be, but at the end of the day I know no matter how much frustration the wait causes, we will deliver only our best and at the end of the day that is more important to us than just churning out a figure and move along to the next, and we're really close now, seeing my work and the work of the team all come together has resulted in something very special, and I personally have to thank all of you here and those who supported us and gave us feedback on it, all I can say is that as fan I'm extremely happy with the end product and I hope you all are too, cheers!
I haven’t talked much in this chat but I’ve been keeping an eye on it since then figure went up for preorder, I personally can’t wait for the gunslinger to be released. Every time the release date gets a new update it gets me excited and makes me go back and play the game again and again. Since the figures was announced it got me started on making more figures from the game. I’ve mostly been working on Dutch and Charles since 2019 and it’s my first time ever doing digital sculpting. I’d thought you’d guys would like to see the head I’ve done. I also did a Charles.
I paid in full years ago for this and I'm fine with waiting vs getting cyberpunk'd. People will freak out and complain and when it comes undercooked will just as quickly turn around and say it shoulda been delayed. When it comes I'll be excited and ready to roll.
Thanks for the support guys, this is probably the most supportive and understanding place when it comes to the figure and I wouldn't say anyone here is toxic, I did get a lot of messages in the past 2 years from people who made new accounts with the sole purpose of demandig updates from me among other nice ones, the bulk of the hate came from facebook, twitter, instagram, and chinese forum groups where we have been accused of being scammers, trash, liars, etc.

I've been messaged on facebook by people I don't even know demanding refunds and so on, most of the frustation comes from the long delays and the fact there's another figure in the market so people think they're missing out on that, I did try explaining the situation to some but of course it's all "excuses" to most people who in all likelyhood aren't that familiar with the hobby.

Also no, I wouldn't say me and the team are dissuaded from delivering quality products, it just sucks being constantly attacked and accused when you're doing everything you can to make the product the best it can be, but at the end of the day I know no matter how much frustration the wait causes, we will deliver only our best and at the end of the day that is more important to us than just churning out a figure and move along to the next, and we're really close now, seeing my work and the work of the team all come together has resulted in something very special, and I personally have to thank all of you here and those who supported us and gave us feedback on it, all I can say is that as fan I'm extremely happy with the end product and I hope you all are too, cheers!
The reason you guys get attacked more so than others is because of how much you communicate with the community. It's a double edged sword unfortunately because on one hand, it's super awesome to hear directly from you guys. Communicating with us is awesome but then it leads to some people to have some sort of entitlement and it leads to them demanding you guys answer them or to give them constant updates.

Hot Toys? ZERO communication to their fan base. They don't listen to anyone nor talk to their fan base at all. They delay and release their figures on their own schedule. And people have been completely fine with that because that has been the status quo with them since the start.

I hope you guys never stop communicating with the community but it unfortunately has its cons for you guys.
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R_R_X said a few weeks ago that we’ll see final product pics this month. There’s only 9 days left of the month so we could be getting these pics any day now!!
There’s truth to this, I think people expect the company to be like NECA where they always reply and release figures within 9 months of reveal
R_R_X said a few weeks ago that we’ll see final product pics this month. There’s only 9 days left of the month so we could be getting these pics any day now!!
If you go back to page 29 of this thread, those pics are from this moth. Those might be the ones he was talking about.
IMO, just never make promises or disclose possible release windows to the community. If you wanna give updates and chat with the community that's really awesome, but if you make the mistake of giving them estimates on release windows they will take it as gospel and will hold you to it. They'll also get more and more toxic the more you miss that window or any other windows you open up. Even if you're pumped about releasing your product I find that always saying "when its ready" is the best policy. You just need to ignore the posts about release dates and keep it moving.
I'm posting this here since it's relevant but it also applies to our daily life, as of July 1st the VAT rules will change for commerce in countries of the European Union, here is the full document: story short, if you are in the EU and you order a figure from China, US, etc, you will no longer be exempt from paying import tax if the item is below a certain value, this will prove to be a royal pain in the ass if you recieve a package from online retailers which are usually marked with a low value to avoid import tax and then have to present a receipt with the actual price you paid, I advise anyone in the EU who has ordered this figure or any others for that matter, to look into this and talk with your retailer about it as they often will mark their packages as low value as I've said before, aside from that this will cause additional delays on top of Covid related ones, which is all beyond our control, I hope this helps some of you.
Are you guys based out of the US?