Lim Toys - 1/6 The Gunslinger (Outlaws of The West)

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It means Thanos is going to snap half of all the Gunslinger figures out of existence. :monkey3

BTW, I finished my second go-round on the game last night (well, the main portion, I'll go through the Epilogues this weekend), but I've come around on Sadie being a good choice for a figure. She's a significant part of the story, and is Arthur's partner through a number of missions, particularly towards the ... ahem ... endgame. It makes a lot of sense to have Arthur and Sadie on the shelf together.

Also, I know there was some discussion earlier about how to depict John, considering there's the young version in RDR2, a slightly older version in the Epilogue (not getting into the physical changes to the character's model between the NPC and playable versions) and the older RDR version ... but I vote for the RDR version being standard with a deluxe release that adds the younger RDR2 version, and maybe the Epilogue headsculpt can be an add-on similar to the Arthur 'mid-beard sculpt'. I believe this concept is reasonable considering the precedent of all the Aehab/Snake releases.

Considering that the original RDR wasn't a big game in China, whereas RDR2 is more popular, I think the John figure will likely be the other way around; RDR2 figure with a separately released head (or deluxe with head included) of the RDR John. Going off of what RRX has said previously in this thread in regards to a TLOU Joel, it makes sense that they'd want to appeal to both the Chinese and wider 1/6 collecting markets.

Honestly, I don't care either way, as long as we end up getting some sort of RDR John head. In my mind, that's the definitive look for the character, and if I had the option I'd much rather choose that look over the RDR2 version.

Whatever LIM ends up doing though, I'm sure it'll be a fantastic figure!
Every day I see a blip on here it's like looking at the candy store from the outside, wondering if I'll find one after missing pre-orders. I've tracked down a couple leads to gamble on. I've seen zero footprint on the bonus HEAD though. Was that a simple option when purchasing or was it a separate companion item with its own page?

If R* ever gets off its butt and realizes a RDR remake would be best for their only other successful franchise besides GTA... then it'd be the best thing to release so we don't have to wait another decade for RDR3. If that happens then you'd find it probably more successful than the original release and original John would be the build/sculpt to go with. I'm sure he wouldn't look as grizzled as the original game, but I hope he wouldn't look as hmm... photo-friendly clean as he did sometimes in RDR2.

Give him a classic outfit and his RDR2 long coat outfit. BONUS... I'd really love that Deadly Assassin outfit.


BONUS item #2 -- The Marston Squirrel haha

But - what I jumped on to add was the idea of doing a Jack Marston set. If it was young Jack, it could go with Arthur. Thoughts?

1) Young Jack, to fish with Arthur
2) Teen Jack, to read and farm with John
3) Adult Jack, to live John's (and Arthur's legacy)


How much you wanna bet if they did a RDR remake they'd color Jack's adult jacket exactly like Arthur's and have a scene where you see it stored in the house?

I’m midway through another playthrough and I’m at the mission before the Saint Denis heist. I’m avoiding it for as long as I can. I want to play as Arthur for as long as I can before he gets sick.
A Jack Marston 3-pack??

"Work, ya damn nag" no, just no ... they need to remaster RDR just to get rid of that voice line.

The point of that line and others is that he's trying to be tough and high and mighty when he's not. It's supposed to be cringe. I would just want them to update the gameplay and graphics. They shouldn't be messing with it. If they were to change things in the story and dialogue, then it should be a remake and it doesn't need that. I'd be ok with them adding references and stuff to connect it to the second game more, but that's about it. By the way I think Jack is the worst character and is super annoying.
Do outfit parts count as cool accessories?
Maybe some?

On the topic of JM as you all know we had a poll and the response was pretty much 50/50 regarding which version people preferred, with a tiny difference in favor for the first game version, I'm a huge fan of the character and his look in the frst game is instantly iconic, I found his design in the second game to be lackluster and even lazy in some areas (reusing Arthur's hair) but thankfully with mods you can restore his appearance to make him look like a current gen version of the character, that's what we would base our work off, not the actual epilogue design with Arthur's hair.

Now I don't know when this will be announced but I can say he will have the iconic outfit everyone knows and loves, he will have two heads to represent both games with their respective hair styles and there will be cool accessories exclusive to the character, he's been my most wanted figure since 2010, so make of that what you will.
Maybe some?

On the topic of JM as you all know we had a poll and the response was pretty much 50/50 regarding which version people preferred, with a tiny difference in favor for the first game version, I'm a huge fan of the character and his look in the frst game is instantly iconic, I found his design in the second game to be lackluster and even lazy in some areas (reusing Arthur's hair) but thankfully with mods you can restore his appearance to make him look like a current gen version of the character, that's what we would base our work off, not the actual epilogue design with Arthur's hair.

Now I don't know when this will be announced but I can say he will have the iconic outfit everyone knows and loves, he will have two heads to represent both games with their respective hair styles and there will be cool accessories exclusive to the character, he's been my most wanted figure since 2010, so make of that what you will.

I get that I'm preaching to the choir on this forum, but I just can't wrap my brain around someone wanting RDR2 John over RDR1. I would assume that the majority of responses in the poll were people that never played RDR1, so the resulting data is heavily skewed, but John only exists because of the first game. Even just from the design standpoint, as you mentioned his look in RDR2 is kinda meh and somewhat 'generic', and the "all black" look in RDR1 is pretty striking. (I get that it's not really 'all black'). I don't know why in the side-by-side images, people would pick the RDR2 version, presumably if you showed the RDR2 'upgraded graphics' version of the RDR1 outfit.

I hope you didn't have to beg and plead with the bosses to do the RDR1 version, I know you've already explained the Uncharted issue numerous times.

But this whole reality that LIM is a Chinese company and is only listening to the Chinese audience is really driving me nuts. I believe it's an 'if you build it, they will come' scenario. If you keep catering to the Chinese audience, you're isolating yourself from the rest of the world and a significant number of other potential buyers.

I get that the hobby is niche and it's hard to reach the customer base, and the company is playing with fire in regards to the source material/legalities, so promoting to all those customers worldwide is tricky, but I still believe in the 'if you build it ...' mantra. It takes time, but people will learn and get excited for releases, and pass the word around. Or at least I hope so ... that's why I've been holding out hope for Solid Snake. My Mount Rushmore is Cloud, Guile, Solid Snake, and John Marston. Cloud should be here in a few months, John is coming eventually, Guile got a bit closer to reality with Iconiq's announcement, and well, Snake is a bit more nebulous. I'd also take Link ... but Rushmore only has 4.
I get that I'm preaching to the choir on this forum, but I just can't wrap my brain around someone wanting RDR2 John over RDR1. I would assume that the majority of responses in the poll were people that never played RDR1, so the resulting data is heavily skewed, but John only exists because of the first game. Even just from the design standpoint, as you mentioned his look in RDR2 is kinda meh and somewhat 'generic', and the "all black" look in RDR1 is pretty striking. (I get that it's not really 'all black'). I don't know why in the side-by-side images, people would pick the RDR2 version, presumably if you showed the RDR2 'upgraded graphics' version of the RDR1 outfit.

I hope you didn't have to beg and plead with the bosses to do the RDR1 version, I know you've already explained the Uncharted issue numerous times.

But this whole reality that LIM is a Chinese company and is only listening to the Chinese audience is really driving me nuts. I believe it's an 'if you build it, they will come' scenario. If you keep catering to the Chinese audience, you're isolating yourself from the rest of the world and a significant number of other potential buyers.

I get that the hobby is niche and it's hard to reach the customer base, and the company is playing with fire in regards to the source material/legalities, so promoting to all those customers worldwide is tricky, but I still believe in the 'if you build it ...' mantra. It takes time, but people will learn and get excited for releases, and pass the word around. Or at least I hope so ... that's why I've been holding out hope for Solid Snake. My Mount Rushmore is Cloud, Guile, Solid Snake, and John Marston. Cloud should be here in a few months, John is coming eventually, Guile got a bit closer to reality with Iconiq's announcement, and well, Snake is a bit more nebulous. I'd also take Link ... but Rushmore only has 4.
I can perfectly understand it, RDR1 is over a decade old and isn't easily available on PC or current Playsation consoles. Before RDR2 came out I would mention the first game to people and nobody would know what it was, RDR2 made the franchise mainstream but unfortunately it obscured the first game even more, which is a shame, going online I see a lot of people who won't even give it a chance because of the graphics which is moronic because they still hold up well in my opinion.
A lot of chinese collectors also rejected the a RDR1 John figure when presented with the idea, simply because they didn't recognize that version of the character, and I think the same applies to a lot of western collectors and gamers, the sad truth is RDR1 and John are heavily overshadowed by RDR2 and Arthur, so it's only natural most people would want a version of John they recognize from the only game they played.

It took some convincing to be honest, the team wasnt confident in it initially because they've never played the first game as well, it was really the sales numbers of the this thread's subject figure that convinced them, and a lot of myself pushing for it and basically presenting ideas that would please both fields of people who want the figure. I hope you all can support the announcement and release when the time comes, it very much dictates if a line can keep going or not.

That is not true, maybe it came across that way but it isn't, we really want to please both audiences, a big portion of people who PO'ed Morgan are westerners, we always research what all collectors are saying while trying to please everyone but unfortunately there's always some left unsatisfied.

Exactly, putting these figures out gets harder by the day with all the legalities sorrounding them and now with Sideshow and Hot Toys fighting against third parties, I would love to do give you guys all the figures you want but unfortunately for us there's just times when it's not possible, I don't want to say much but keep an eye on Iconiq if you're looking forward to more video game figures, we'll be over in our corner doing video game stuff as well.
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I can perfectly understand it, RDR1 is over a decade old and isn't easily available on PC or current Playsation consoles. Before RDR2 came out I would mention the first game to people and nobody would know what it was, RDR2 made the franchise mainstream but unfortunately it obscured the first game even more, which is a shame, going online I see a lot of people who won't even give it a chance because of the graphics which is moronic because they still hold up well in my opinion.
A lot of chinese collectors also rejected the a RDR1 John figure when presented with the idea, simply because they didn't recognize that version of the character, and I think the same applies to a lot of western collectors and gamers, the sad truth is RDR1 and John are heavily overshadowed by RDR2 and Arthur, so it's only natural most people would want a version of John they recognize from the only game they played.

It took some convincing to be honest, the team wasnt confident in it initially because they've never played the first game as well, it was really the sales numbers of the this thread's subject figure that convinced them, and a lot of myself pushing for it and basically presenting ideas that would please both fields of people who want the figure. I hope you all can support the announcement and release when the time comes, it very much dictates if a line can keep going or not.

That is not true, maybe it came across that way but it isn't, we really want to please both audiences, a big portion of people who PO'ed Morgan are westerners, we always research what all collectors are saying while trying to please everyone but unfortunately there's always some left unsatisfied.

Exactly, putting these figures out gets harder by the day with all the legalities sorrounding them and now with Sideshow and Hot Toys fighting against third parties, I would love to do give you guys all the figures you want but unfortunately for us there's just times when it's not possible, I don't want to say much but keep an eye on Iconiq if you're looking forward to more video game figures, we'll be over in our corner doing video game stuff as well.
I don't think the story quite lives up to the standards of recent games and neither does the gameplay, but the graphics hold up pretty well. Especially Xbox One X enhanced. I first played it right before RDR2 came out and I really liked it, but not as much as others. Maybe if I had played it closer to when it first came out I would've liked it more, but RDR2 is my favorite game of all-time. I totally understand where you're coming from. If I had found the poll before it was done I would've voted for RDR1 John though. That version is just more iconic.

Also, what's Iconiq?
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Any idea when we can expect to see shipping notices in our email? My excitement is through the roof!