Action Figure LIMTOYS 1/6 - Android Become Human - The Investigator / Nines - REVEAL

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Can’t wait. 🥹 any updates?
I'm so sad I had missed this preorder😭 but im so excited to see when Connor releases! I'm hoping to find one off ebay 🥲🤞
When we finally release it, you should reach out to One Sixth Kit and ask him if he has any spares left, try to avoid eBay as much as possible.
We're changing the material on the bases, hopefully after that everything is fixed and we can enter final stages of production and move on to assembly.
We're changing the material on the bases, hopefully after that everything is fixed and we can enter final stages of production and move on to assembly.
Can wait! After nathan drake and flame hair, this is LimToys figure I've been most excited for 👈😎👈
Thank you
When we finally release it, you should reach out to One Sixth Kit and ask him if he has any spares left, try to avoid eBay as much as possible.
Thank you so much for the tip! This would be my first figure of this scale, so I'm very out of the loop for proper outlets 😅 but I'll get there!
Thank you

Thank you so much for the tip! This would be my first figure of this scale, so I'm very out of the loop for proper outlets 😅 but I'll get there!
One Sixth Kit is the very best in the business, I would also recommend Giantoy for other third party releases.
I hate to be that person, but does connor have a tentative release date? I know the figure bases where being remade/reworked but I'm curious to know when we can expect to finally have him in hand.
Really looking forward to getting ahold of this one. Hard to believe its been over 5 years since the game came out.
Question: The basic Investigator figure is Connor, obviously. And the Investigator Deluxe looks to have both Connor and Nines and a whole bunch of extras. Does the basic Connor figure not come with all the options? Or are the listings I see just forgetting to include his options?
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