Lorne arrived a few days ago, and I'm really happy with him. His left shoe came jammed on his foot so badly it looked like he had two right shoes, until I ran it under some hot water and reshaped it. Other than that, just some minor futzing. I'm not completely happy with the fit of his suit (or any Sideshow suit, for that matter), but the larger-than-normal body kind of limits swapping him out for something better tailored. Besides, the outfit screams "The Host!" He was near perfect out of the box, but I did add some more blondish highlights to the front and top of his hair. While I had the paint out, I also retouched Angel's piggy eyes and redid his hairline/eyebrows.
Here's a mood shot of just Lorne since this is his thread:
And a shot of the three Angel figures so far (excuse the garden furniture LOL):
Lorne is the tallest of the three with the heels on his boots. I did swap out Angel's leather pants and loafers for some flat-front Dragon trousers and boots, so maybe that changed his height a little. I still think Cordy's melon is distractingly large on the small body. It's really noticeable side by side with Angel and Lorne. She almost looks like an anime character, with her huge eyes, especially since Lorne and Angel are more "realistic" portraits, style-wise. But I still like all three.
And finally, all three retouched heads:
Lorne gets a 4.5/5.0 from me.