We'll know a lot more on Monday. The Film Preems in Cannes Sunday.
You'll know more Sunday...
We'll know a lot more on Monday. The Film Preems in Cannes Sunday.
"I haven’t even told Steven or Harrison this," he said. "But I have an idea to make Shia [LeBeouf] the lead character next time and have Harrison [Ford] come back like Sean Connery did in the last movie. I can see it working out.''
You'll know more Sunday...
As for Indy 5 featuring Mutt Williams....no, thank you. I think he's going to be a good side character, but I really doubt I'm going to be clamoring for a feature film about his adventures. Indy is the draw to these films and the other character relationships only resonate, for me, because of THAT character.
Yup. This is exactly what I said would happen.
"I have no cheeky answer for [that]. I just work here. I'm glad to work here," Ford told MTV News at the Cannes Film Festival on Friday (May 16). "Till they tell me otherwise, I will continue to be Indiana Jones."
"I know Harrison would love to," LaBeouf countered, smiling. "I know that Harrison, when he's 80, will still be jacked. Is there going to be an 80-year-old Indiana Jones? No one can say never."
There's actually already been a 93-year-old Indiana Jones, portrayed by George Hall in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, which ran on TV from 1992 to 1993. But while those episodes didn't have Harrison Ford (save for one) they still heavily centered on the character he helped create — he wasn't regulated to second-fiddle status.
For fans, then, the issue leading up to the release of Crystal Skull is whether or not Indy without Indy is still Indy — the reasonable assumption being that a Mutt film is only as strong as Mutt himself.
Is Mutt a good enough character to take center stage? LaBeouf said it's up to the fans, who will ultimately choose the fate of Indiana Jones with their reception of Crystal Skull. Choose ... wisely.
"Mutt's pretty wild [but] it's all about what the public feels," LaBeouf said. "I know if it's received well, that's a pretty definite indicator. If it's received well, I don't imagine they would stop making them."
"I don't think a Mutt spin-off would be as big as Indiana Jones," he added, coyly. "[But] fingers crossed!"
I hope they don't ruin the Indiana Jones franchise...one stupid sequel could be costly.....