Now a post with some comparisons/constructive criticism on some of Sideshow's design decisions regarding this figure:
First, the force hands. I love the sculpt - the wrinkles on the skin, the veins, the overall detail is awesome. Very life-like.The HT hands are bendy and have little detail... besides, there isn't a manufacturer on the market who can produce natural-looking bendy hands, yet.
But, SS's hand for the Star Wats line are big. HUGE. Look at how they're MUCH bigger than the hands that come with the HT body:
They're directly related to the "monkey arms syndrome". They make the arm look much longer/thinner than it actually is:
Profile shot of the HT hand, so you can see how it's much more proportionate to the body:
Boots comparison (sorry, the shot came out too dark). Besides the less-than-Ok sculpt, the boots' finish is dull, when it should've been glossy. Medicom's Luke boots are perfect, but since I don't have him, the german NCO boots did their job just fine:
Ankle articulation... although SS bodies DO have this kind of articulation, it is poorly designed - the only way to adjust the "side-to-side" ankle articulation is to remove the boots, adjust the ankle to your liking and put the boots back on. But, since SS boots are so stiff, they cancel any sort of ankle articulation you could get from the figure:
This is the HT body. Expensive, but worth every penny:
The only flaw, IMO, are the huge shoulders. IF HT fixes this, they'll be pretty much perfect. Notice that it has the "front-to-back" articulation on the shoulders, just like a Medicom:
Before anyone jumps on me for the comparisons, I'd like to say that I'm a huge SS fan, and love their products as much as you guys. I just wanted to share the flaws I see in their products, so that maybe one day they'll get corrected.
That's it! Thanks for looking!