Unless the head underneath is bald with no ears.
Maybe I'm greedy, but for the $200 this will be I would have preferred a helmeted head plus non-helmeted head with extra helmet. Or maybe going forward that's just for the $250 DX packages.
Thankfully no clamshells on Hoth.
Maybe I'm greedy, but for the $200 this will be I would have preferred a helmeted head plus non-helmeted head with extra helmet. Or maybe going forward that's just for the $250 DX packages.
Thankfully no clamshells on Hoth.
So what you're saying is there's two halves and they fit together like a clam shell?
If the helmet is removable such that it allows displaying the figure with or without the helmet, what's the point of having two heads?
You'd have a head that wasn't slightly smushed sculpt-wise to accomodate a helmet over it for starters. Heads that are designed for hats or helmets nearly always have that "hat hair" look and tweaked ears, I'm assuming even with this new-fangled clamshell space-age technology.
And... well... you'd have two heads plus an extra helmet. Hel-loo!
I'm hoping the lack of extras will bring the price down to something reasonable.