Super Freak
LOL SSC pulled a Hot Toys with that price, that's a shame for die hard Star Wars fans though
I actually meant I couldn't figure out how to post it (on my phone). They didn't take it down or anything.
Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak out in the face of the government, not on a public site against a company or private citizen.
Does this mean that the Tie Fighter Pilot will be over $200 as well?
Better hold onto your butts. Some thought he'd be around $100-125
Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak out in the face of the government, not on a public site against a company or private citizen.
Red 5 is going to standing by for a very long time at the price. I prefer mine that I made for less than $100.
Hoth Luke and Han are still worth it at their prices if you ask me. This? Not a mother****ingchance.
With Sideshow letting the SW license go, I guess they just said **** it, let's get what we can.