Super Freak
The Third World War destroyed all the nuclear power plants, and the Earth is polluted with nuclear radiation.
The government took over the only place untouched by this monstrosity, completely free of all nuclear activity, called it District H.o.P.E. (Heart of Peaceful Earth), and abandoned all connections to the barren, desolate world out side of it.
With no rules and no one to enforce any, the outside world became an increasingly dangerous place, with crime, outlaws, and gangs.
The wealthy families that weren’t granted access to District H.o.P.E. gave out their wealth in search for complete protection, and those left with nothing became bounty hunters who relied solely on themselves for survival.
M.Queen (女猿帝)
The World War III was the experimental setting for state-of-the-art, biochemical weapons.
All of the nations that participated in the war were frantic in developing better weapons.
A number of animals were sacrificed due to frequent animal testing.
M.Queen (女猿帝)…
She was one of the researchers at the laboratory of animal testing.
It was a private medical laboratory before it was transformed into an animal testing site diverted by the government during the WWIII.
Upon observation of the people of District H.o.P.E. and their strategy to safely escape the dangerous premises, she forms her own association called Group M.
She honors a former monkey companion who died due to animal testing by wearing a mask in the image of a simian and stands as the leader of her cartel.
Her ultimate goal is the destruction of District H.o.P.E...
She steals from the rich and uses the stolen funds and power to grow more vigorous.
She quickly gained an infamous reputation from her larceny and became the #1 Most Wanted by the bounty hunters.
Will she successfully avoid the bounty hunters to make her dreams come true?
by Zuno... ^L^
Hi All,
The fourth character of my World after World War III series, M.Queen, has completed.
this time, the character is a female villain.
M.Queen is short for Monkey Queen.
To understand her background, please read the story above.
I hope you enjoy this piece, happy figuring!
Zuno… ^L^