Mad Max: Fury Road

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Just got back from the film with my father in law. Was a fun non stop thrill ride from start to finish.

Can't even remember watching the old movies so I have no attachments to the characters. I'd love to see more as Hardy was pretty awesome.

Loved that Theron and the plot had the death of the patriarch messaging and just general women being badasses without being specialized. Refreshing for an action movie. (Now scourges the Internet for new Hot Harley Quinn pics)
E for Effort!!! Hardy zero personality no charisma in the film should have got a oak tree to play the part. Had none of the edgy thousand mile stare of mad Mel. Lots of set pieces upped all the violence. Waste of money once again.
Also find it hard to believe that he plays all these hard tough guy roles. But in real life he's admitted to being a complete Coward.?
Bane's trying to dethrone Price as the Master baiter, I see.

There can only be one Masterbaiter :lol Bring on the


The prequel comics appear to confirm this is set after Thunderdome (a Thunderdome Plus is mentioned!) They also explain who the girl in Max's visions is, and how Max gets the Interceptor back.

There are other titles that show Immortan Joe and Furiosa's origins.


Just saw this tonight. Enjoyed the **** out of it. Like Deckard, I'm more of a casual Mad Max fan, but I've always liked the movies and character. I think I like Road Warrior a bit more than this one, but it's just because I think they handle the character of Max better, and had more iconic villains. The action in Fury Road is going to be hard to top. There's probably some Kung Fu movie that I've never seen that beats it, but. . .I haven't seen it obviously. I rate it an 8/10, which is high for me. Not sure if I'll have a need to see it again for a long while, but it was refreshing to see something like this in an age where action movies generally seem watered down/uninteresting and overly reliant on CG (Expendables is a good example of both).

Very cool. I'm pretty nostalgic for that song. Would have been cool to hear it in this one somehow.

Didn't really feel any feminist vibes. Not sure why all these reviews are bringing it up. You had those huge cows being used for lactation. Those brides being used for nothing but reproduction. Those female warriors getting killed brutally left and right. That doesn't really scream empowerment to me.

I thought Furiosa was a great, strong character, not because she was a woman, but because she was written and acted extremely well. Didn't matter what gender she was for me.
It treats men no better than the females. Most of the males are semi-mindless rage puppets, hoping to die in support of their leader. I think this film provides a pretty negative portrayal toward human beings in general, with a few exceptions obviously.

So the guitar and speakers dude didn't bother anyone?

Wasteland with Van Halen speakers?

Maybe GM will do a Lucas and go back to RW and put working speakers in all the cars with blaring heavy metal music.
I kinda liked that guy. Made me think of Ministry. That kind of music would psych me up if I were going to fight someone.

I'd love to debate this with you but don't feel like typing that much. I just want to say this though, in the first three films, no other character took the spot light off Max. He was the sole star of those movies. If Theron wasn't the star of this movie then she at least shared the star role with Hardy. The title of the movie should've been Max and Futurama...or whatever her name is.
Yeah, I get the argument Fabio is making, but in the other Max films Max is clearly the primary protagonist, and at best, in this film he shares that role with Furiosa. But I was OK with it. I think he got plenty of time to shine, and his juxtaposition next to a more traditional heroic character, with more traditional heroic motivations helped to better highlight his own nature as a usually amoral survivor. Of course, he develops an attachment to those people as the film moves forward, but even then it's not out of his own good nature so much as a means of silencing the voices in his head.
Imagine if Die Hard 4 or Crystal Skull made us go, holy ****, I don't know if I like this or the original better. :lol Just that feeling alone makes me feel good about this movie. I can't even fathom watching that new Terminator now.
I just saw it today.

I did like it. Some of the homages to the old films came through.
The real stunts blended well with the CGI and the vehicles were wonderful.

But I didn't think Max had enough screen time and/or dialog to really show off the character.
Like others have mentioned, it was 50/50 between Max and Furiosa, both were under developed.

I have a feeling a lot of the story ended up on the editing floor to keep the length in check.
There seems to be gaps in character build up or back story.
It was just like "here it is, no need to know why", just watch.
Which would be fine if I wasn't a fan of the old films.
But if they want to keep this franchise alive, then they need to
do better.

The one thing that really bugged me; the amateurish fade in and fade out of every major scene.
That got really tired, really fast. That's a film school 101 no no.

The film looked great, but lacked a little in story development.

Overall 3 out of 4 :):):)
i had doubts about this movie at first. a LOT actually.
wasnt happy with casting hardy as max, 8O% of the reboots sux donkey balls(thats a given) and the thought of hardy with another fake accent...again, creeps me out.lolz

i came in with low expectations, and i enjoyed it more than i thought i should have. man, was i wrong about it.lolz

and furiousa did not steal the mad max role. she'd be dead without max, they all would.
9/10 for me. Max didn't shine as bright as I thought he would but furiosa was great. Ambition and execution can stand against any movie out there. I think some parts got lost due to the budget and I can understand that. Hardy seems oddly miscast in this role. I'm a fan of his but he wasn't right
Imagine if Die Hard 4 or Crystal Skull made us go, holy ****, I don't know if I like this or the original better. :lol Just that feeling alone makes me feel good about this movie. I can't even fathom watching that new Terminator now.

This is the best argument made for this movie by far, well done.

While I wouldn't hesitate for a second to pick RW over this movie, I get where you're coming from and it makes sense.

It's not really about picking a favorite, it's more about FR crossing a quality line which allows it to coexist on the positive side of the franchise.

At the end of the day it seems like GM was seeking redemption himself after BT, he didn't want BT to be his final MM movie, can't say I blame him.

If he doesn't get a chance at another one, he ended it on a good note because this was better than BT.

At the end of the day we know the only opinion that matters on this movie is Evil Face's anyways. :lol

Can't wait for his review. :panic:
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I though it was a complete waste of time even my mate agreed. Very disappointed with Hardy was like trying to watch a huge brick act.
I thought it was fantastic. Hardy was amazing as Max. He even had the awkward way he talked, almost childish, showing that he is such a loner that he doesn't talk much. He was also a total badass with the way he handled using weapons. I love how he for more than half the movie was unlikeable and a total arsehole only thinking about himself. I also think if they developed his character more, it wouldn't have worked. All you needed to know is that he's a loner, who only wants to make sure he himself survives, but he also has a heart that he doesn't like to use because people he has gotten close to have gotten hurt.

How was the 3D? I generally dislike 3D, and can't imagine how blurry it could be with all that action.