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Many, many years ago the short lived company N2 Toys got the license for The Road Warrior (they also did The Matrix, Rambo, The Tick, and Big Trouble in Little China, and allegedly had the Dirty Harry license before they went under), they made pretty crappy toys, but still, the point is they got the licenses, and for the US and western market at that. Which always made me wonder if certain licenses truly are unobtainable, or if companies just don't see the profit margin in them for the cost outlay it would take to get them. After all, it's far easier to tell fans "we's love to do it/we've looked into it but the license isn't available/the rights are a mess" than it is to say "we're not interested" or "we don't think it would sell enough", or in the case of Gibson's Mad Max, "we don't want to risk the controversy/backlash". While I'm sure that there is the odd unobtainable license, personally I doubt it is as many as we are led to believe. Instead I think usually other factors are at play, the main one being that a company either isn't interested, or doesn't see enough profit in it versus other stuff they are more interested in making at any given time.

Maybe I'm just cynical, but I still remember McFarlane swearing black and blue that Pinhead was impossible for anyone to get the rights for (Hannibal Lecter too, for that matter), only for Neca to eventually bring out an entire line based on the various Hellraiser movies. Sideshow proclaimed how much they'd love to do Michael Myers year after year, back in the day, but again it just wasn't possible we were told. Yet McFarlane and Neca both managed it for figures, and HCG and PCS have done statues. Among many, many other examples over the years.

I can't blame companies for taking this approach, 'we are unable to' is always a cleaner and easier argument to make than 'we don't want to' (especially when talking to people who do very much want that thing), but I certainly take a great deal of it with more than a fair pinch of salt, as well, as far as just how much truth there is to such claims. But maybe that's just me.
N2 never released any of its Road Warrior toys though. They must have developed the figures (prototypes) simply to try and get the license.

If those figures existed, I would have them. Instead I just have pictures of them.
Yeah I remember picking up most of the first series on clearance from toys r us back in the early 2000's. Never found the second series though.
N2 toys did release 2 series of 6 inch figures

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And here they are....these where trown in my local Toys R US back in the day in the "infamous" clerance,discount, red tag area...where all the unpopular toys...AKA...those that dont sell...end up....these had a clerance price tag of $1.99...they had the full line...but even then and takers!...these where even offer as buy one get one free at one point...just to get rid of them. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg

These are not the photos from Amazon.
I remember they showed prototype 12" scale figures and the interceptor for the smaller figures in toy fair magazine I think. The pictures are out there somewhere.
Yeah, I thought Drake was talking about the 12" RW figures. I know about the 6 inch, I have them all.

As bad as they would have been, I wish they'd released the 12" figures.
Nothing is impossible to get.
Its all just a matter of how much effort a collectible company wants to go to and what they are willing to pay

Escape from New York was considered impossible for a long time due to rights being split between so many different holders. Sideshow managed it ...and then ...did what they did.

Michael Jordan is phenomenally expensive but Enterbay Bill wanted it and made it happen. And paid for the extraordinary costs by releasing a different figure for every game Jordan ever played :D
So i talked to Will who was sculpting the humongous head, he sent me slighty more updated pictures. He also told me that it wasnt completed due to not enough interest. Would any one be intrested in one ?

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The N2 Toys 1/6 Road Warrior that was never put in production...looking at it...have a "21 Century Toys" feel and my very personal opinion.
I remember they showed prototype 12" scale figures and the interceptor for the smaller figures in toy fair magazine I think. The pictures are out there somewhere.

miss the twisted toyfare series especially mego spidey.
So i talked to Will who was sculpting the humongous head, he sent me slighty more updated pictures. He also told me that it wasnt completed due to not enough interest. Would any one be intrested in one ?

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That head seems difficult to print -- the deep eye sockets and those 'springs' and the rings that connect. How would one even get into those sockets to paint?
That head seems difficult to print -- the deep eye sockets and those 'springs' and the rings that connect. How would one even get into those sockets to paint?
I know literally nothing about printing heads but i think the mask might still be removeable. Id remove the hair off it aswell as the ears but i think if enough people were interested Will might complete it and release it.

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I pushed this project awhile back (for Siquisiri) but could muster enough interest. It's a fairly simple bash -- that Phicen m35 body -- and then this mask/head, a gauntlet and wrist band that could also be printed, and the "boots" which you can find on ebay. Dan Castro did a chest harness not long ago... not sure how many he needs interested to make more.

I would suggest to Will a removable mask so someone can get in there to paint the eyes. No face detail necessary -- just a plug-in hole for the mask would be fine.

Needless to say, all the 'parts' need to be available -- meaning the head, gauntlet, and chest rig/loin cloth -- for anyone to be interested.
Got a cheap shotty from ebay tried to make it as much like wood as i can with my limited skills. Does anyone know where i could find a more accurate shotgun ?

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I pushed this project awhile back (for Siquisiri) but could muster enough interest. It's a fairly simple bash -- that Phicen m35 body -- and then this mask/head, a gauntlet and wrist band that could also be printed, and the "boots" which you can find on ebay. Dan Castro did a chest harness not long ago... not sure how many he needs interested to make more.

Needless to say, all the 'parts' need to be available -- meaning the head, gauntlet, and chest rig/loin cloth -- for anyone to be interested.
You're absolutely right most will only be interested if everything can be bought already made. Im personally going to have a crack at making his costume myself.

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That looks great to me. Same one I have, wish mine looked like your picture below.
Cheers! All i did was remove the ironsights then cover the wood in a black gundam realtouch marker then roughly rubbing it off it was honestly kind of an accident. I just wanted the wood darker originally

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Im personally going to have a crack at making his costume myself.

Excellent! Can't wait to see.

I'd be interested in the set obviously if you have any interest in organizing this with Will, and/or if you make more than one "outfit". Again, I don't think there's too many Humungus fans out there -- but if you build one to show, more will follow.
Got a cheap shotty from ebay tried to make it as much like wood as i can with my limited skills. Does anyone know where i could find a more accurate shotgun ?

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Is this for max right? I think the closest accurate gun you can find is the one that came with vts toys max figure that's the tom hardy version. The shotgun include is more RW.